The Possible Conversation

Husband and Wife In Spirit

I’ve often wondered what a typical conversation might be like when two people are reunited in the spirit world. After getting over the shock of discovering they are continuing to live after their earthly death. What would the small talk sound like? 

Of course, we could never know while we remain in this realm. But there’s no harm in using our imagination. That’s exactly what the following conversation is – from my vivid imagination! I’m using Jane’s parents, Ken and Barbara, for this made-up conversation. Ken passed to spirit five years before his lifelong wife, Barbara.

Both believed there was a life after death, though they were of a generation that didn’t talk of such things. After Ken passed, he came through to me with one of the most powerful pieces of evidence I have ever been privileged to pass on. 

As you read the following conversation, remember that it’s a product of my imagination, intended as a light-hearted story that suggests life continues normally.

The stories discussed in the conversation are real, the conversation isn’t.

KEN] What are you thinking luv?

BARBARA] I was just remembering that time after you left earth that Trevor told us to check your wallet. He claimed you’d connected with him, and you’d told him there was a poem in the wallet. Both Jane and me had already emptied it, when we were clearing your stuff out. We thought Trevor was talking nonsense. Jane told him that we’d already been through your wallet and there was nothing in it.

KEN] Yes I remember being aware of it.

BARBARA] Anyway, Trevor was so certain. He insisted we should check again, and we did. I remember being confused when we found this crinkled up piece of paper in one of the folds in the wallet. Lo and beyond, it contained a poem you’d written on it. How did you know how to contact Trevor?

KEN] I was just as astonished myself. When I realised I was in this world, I realised that Trevor had always been right in claiming we live on. Anyway, I was talking to an old mate that I was reunited with shortly after settling in. He brought up the subject of how he knew someone that does what Trevor does, and had connected with them since being here. I wanted to get a message across to let you know I was still alive, so I asked him to show me how it is done. It was a lot easier than I would have thought, you know. 

BARBARA] That surprises me. It must be easy to connect with them on earth, for you to grasp it!

KEN] At first I learned how I could turn the telly on in their front room. Did you know they call that room  ‘Ken’s Diner’. You know the one. Where we both had a few meals with them. Anyway, that was funny doing that. Trevor and Jane always acknowledged it was me playing tricks. It made me chuckle. Then I learned how to get into Jane’s dreams when she was asleep. That was quite touching, I must confess. I then learnt how to manipulate certain things to make them appear like a sign or message. It was about that period that I had been told how I could make a Robin appear whenever they asked for a sign.

BARBARA] I know. 

KEN] You two finding the poem meant so much to me, I cried. I was so pleased that Trevor stuck with it, even though you both denied it existed.  Your faces were a picture when you pulled it out of the wallet!

BARBARA] I was shocked when Jane found it. And as you know, we were both near tears when we read the words.

KEN] But Barbara, something I became aware of shortly after arriving here is that we must not interfere in the lives of those left on earth. So, although we can contact them, it doesn’t mean we always should. They have to continue living their earth life, as should we do here.

BARBARA] Do you think I could have a go though?

KEN] I suppose it can’t do any harm. Jane’s quite receptive these days. I’m sure she’d be comforted knowing you’re safe and well. I could teach you the basics.

BARBARA] Are you sure it would be all right to do that? I’d like Jane to know I’m still living.

KEN] It’ll be a good thing for her. The best way to get started would be to practice one or two ways through Trevor. He’s sensitive and won’t dismiss your efforts. You could try Jane directly when we know the messages are getting across.


Over the coming earth days, Trevor received signs from Barbara that she was alive and well. He shared the messages with Jane. In one meditation session, Trevor saw Barbara standing before him, smiling and relaying the message that she was well. He even saw the colours and patterns of the dress she appeared in. Ken and Barbara knew that the connection was working.


BARBARA] Ken? I’m going to see if Jane can see me. I want to tell her how beautiful their lounge is now that Trevor’s finished decorating it. I never got to see it before I came here because he was still doing it.

KEN] Ok luv. But remember, you won’t be able to hold the energy for very long. To Jane, it will only be a fleeting glance. I’ll stay back to preserve the energy.


Trevor and Jane were sitting in their lounge, each on their own sofas, watching television. Suddenly, Jane gasped aloud. She looked shocked and immediately relayed to Trevor that she had just seen her mother sitting next to him. Jane said that her mum had just said to her, with a smiling face, “It’s lovely.” 

Jane knew that Mum was referring to the lounge. Trevor asked if she had noticed what dress her mum was wearing. Jane described exactly the dress Trevor had previously seen in his visions, though Jane couldn’t recall Trevor reporting that detail.

Jane was shocked, in a positive way. She had seen her mum as clearly as if she had been in the room.


KEN] Well done luv. She spotted you. 

BARBARA] I wasn’t sure what to say. I knew my energy wasn’t strong enough to sustain for long. Did you see her face? She was surprised, to say the least! I wonder if I could try this out for John? He could do with some reassurance.

KEN] You could give it a go, but you know he’s not as receptive as Jane is. She’s been conditioned somewhat by Trevor. And even if you are successful with John, you know he might deny it, even to himself!

BARBARA] I’ll try when I have enough of that energy. I wish I could tell Trevor that what he does actually works. So many people could be reassured with words from this side.

KEN] I think he knows that.


Over the months that followed, John reported to Jane incidents in which he thought he’d had a sign from either of his parents. The signs continue to this day. Often, they are subtle, and more often than not, are through the use of earth objects, such as small coins, feathers, butterflies and flowers. 

All we have to do, is acknowledge them and say “Hello Mum, (or Dad), I got that. Thank you.”

Be aware that our doubts create a negative energy that destroys the connection between the two worlds. Belief isn’t a strong enough word. It’s trust and a knowing.  Communication involves two parts. The first is making the initial message, loud and clear. The second is in hearing the response. That is what most people need to work on – hearing, sensing, accepting and acknowledging.


One Response

  1. Brilliant examples Trevor. Why would the Conversation be as natural as when on this Earth 🌍 Plane? Very inspiring and I must say I have had some experiences too, but not actually seeing my Parents on Earth since them being In Spirit, but I do look forward to being able to. Thank you.

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This will take you only a minute or so to do, is easy and effective.

Sit and close your eyes. Bring your focus onto your breathing.

Take an extra big, long and lung-filling breath. As you do so, use your mind's eye to see that fresh, clean air as pure white in colour.
Hold that breath inside your body and visualise the air as an emotion cleanser.

After a short time of allowing the pure white cleaning air to have collected the negative emotional waste, slowly release the now gray air from your body, exhaling every last bit.

You may repeat this exercise as many times as you wish, and whenever you feel the need to cleanse within.