Spirit Insights



|| This summary written on 1st February 2024

It’s all too common a belief that those people in the spirit world are obviously wiser than us on earth. Although there is some truth to that, we should be realising that after we pass, we don’t suddenly know everything about everything!

The speaker in today’s session is evident of my statement. When dealing with one of the myths we hold on earth, regarding thoughts being retained forever, the speaker admits there appears to be a lack of evidence to support it. But he makes it clear that he, and his colleagues, don’t really know.

So, if there are mediums on this side of life, connecting to the other side for communications, they are most likely only going to be reflecting the wisdom and knowledge of the connected person.

I think, where this matters to us is in such cases where a ridiculous question is asked from this side and an equally ridiculous answer is relayed back. For example, I recall a time where a medium in trance was inviting questions by the spirit he was connected to, from the audience. Someone near me asked the trance medium and spirit if they had ever met Jesus Christ?

The answer that the entranced medium relayed from the spirit was yes, and on many times! To say I was left sceptical was an understatement! Both the question, and answer received were flawed and typical of someone not understanding much about the world of spirit.

That story has slightly digressed me from my original point, but serves to highlight how important it is that we understand how the intelligence of those in the spirit world can vary and differ from one to another.

You’ll note in the Spirit-Inspired graphic below I have given this session quite a decent award. I did so, because if I had written about this topic, I would have done so with a lot more ‘flowers’ in my words. The speaker appears to talk in a tone we call “matter of fact”, which is often less than convincing!

I do wonder if the spirit team working with me are aware of how sceptical I would be of their words if they shared something outlandish or hard to believe with me. It has occasionally happened. I do keep an open mind when they talk through me, but they must know to confine their words to areas I would be open to accept as true, or even possible.


Session transcribed on Friday 15th December 2023 at 3:15 am

You are very disciplined. Very noticeable I have a general subject I thought I might share with you this time. You were recently talking about creation, and how everyone is creative to some greater or lesser extent. Well, I want to confirm something else about creativity. And yes, I am aware you read something along these lines in the book you are reading at this time. But let me reiterate a few points please.

Everyone is creative. The process of thought is to create. You create a thought, therefore you are creative.

Even if the thought was not the purest, you have still created the thought. It cannot be uncreated.

As you may be aware, it takes energy to create a thought. One particle of energy from your body's source that is altered to form the thought you create.

I have a question for you, which I confess I do not know the answer to. If energy cannot be destroyed, only dissipated into another form, such as that of a thought, does that mean all your thoughts ever from your mind continue to exist somewhere in our ether?

No, I don't know the answer. That would be for someone on a higher pay grade, to coin a phrase we often use here in jest.

A few of us have philosophised over this question several time. We've pooled what we know about our biology of this life, and have, so far, decided on one practical answer. We have never heard of anyone's previous thoughts from either their life on earth, or here in our place, being called upon as a reference.

It might be that there is some enormous facility that keeps them, for higher beings to reference, but honestly, we agree that that would be highly unlikely.

When we create our thoughts, they are very much a creation of the individual. Unless we specifically require someone else to 'hear' them, they simply dissipate away. We have concluded, as a group, that the myth of thoughts remaining forever in the ether, as when created by humans on earth, often with a tainted belief of somehow making someone else change or limit their thoughts. Your churches and religions are often the worst culprits, particularly your own spiritualist organisation.

The myth I mentioned earlier about energy not being destroyed, is also very much a misunderstood notion that humans hold onto. It is not true. Energy does not always remain in any state of body. Come on people, wake up to the real facts.

I want you to understand that a thought is a creative process that requires energy. But once the thought is complete, it fades away, in our understanding. Thoughts can be transferred mind to mind though, as we can do with ease. You know this as telepathy. But as far as we have discovered, the actual thought, and therefore the energy used to create it, disappear, as does the energy of a torch used to create a light. Once the light has shone, it has gone.

I wanted to share this with you in the hope that you would rest assured that your thoughts on earth are just that, your thoughts. Unless you direct them specifically at a realm intelligence, such as that of the Divine force, God, the thought is lost forever.

Do you honestly believe your brain is capable of holding every single creative thought you have ever made? That would need some brain power!

I'll leave that with you to mull over. Remember, I've only shared an opinion from most of us (in this group) this side. We've studied this dilemma and have found no supporting evidence, and believe me, we have more resources at hand than you do on earth.

I knew this topic would pamper to your mind! Thank you for this opportunity.

Goodbye. Paul


Thursday 1st February 2024
47 days after the session was transcribed

There are a couple of good analogies used by this speaker, both of which I’ll add to my ever growing collection. Although a myth question has been raised by the speaker, he has offered no answer that you could suggest is concise or definitive. It’s good to know these folks are not always the all-knowing, all-seeing spirits we think they are!

🔷 I like the analogy of the torch light used by the speaker today. The energy is taken from the battery, to produce the light which, once seen, has gone forever, suggesting that the energy used has also disappeared. Evidence that energy is destroyed! Great analogy for a debate me thinks!

🔷I’ve never been entirely convinced that thoughts remain around forever. The only argument for the suggestion would be if those in the spirit world can indeed move backwards in time. If they can, then the thoughts and spoke words must therefore still exist for the replay. Ooooohh, all too complicated for me to understand!

🔷 I was fascinated by the speaker’s declaration that he was a member of a philosophy group that discuss these things that we thought they would automatically know! Perhaps the real truth is that only the Divine really knows the answers.

“The myth I mentioned earlier about energy not being destroyed, is also very much a misunderstood notion that humans hold onto. It is not true. Energy does not always remain in any state of body. Come on people, wake up to the real facts.”

This article was originally published on the Spirited Talk Substack channel and transferred to this site: 141124

series 4
7th – 18th December 2023


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"The pen that writes your life story must be held in your hand."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.