Where Is Reality Really?

Reality Image

The human body generally has five senses. Eyes for sight, ears for sound, nose for smelling, the ability to feel through our skill, and to taste with our tongue. There is also a non-physical sense we call a sixth sense – the awareness ability, often called intuition or extra-sensory perception.

We need these senses to be able to live, although many people have to live with fewer working senses. We make sense of the world around us through our senses. As humans, we are the dominating lifeform on the planet as we perceive it. But take a closer look at each of those senses, and it’s not hard to realise we are slaves to them. What’s more staggering is that none of the senses work as we think they do.

Hang on a minute. We see through our eyes, don’t we?

Not exactly. Our eyes contain light-sensitive receptors that detect the wavelength of light. To be more exact, visible light. To be even more precise, the visible light within the spectrum where our eyes detect light. To simplify it, the eyes collect the data from the wavelengths of visible light. Those alone are not an image as we know it.

The receptors in the eyes send that data to our brain, where the brain interprets the information and turns it immediately into mind pictures. The eyes didn’t detect those images, only the wavelengths that the brain interprets.

Of the available visible light in the spectrum, our eyes can only detect 0.0035 percent. That means our eyes only work within a very tiny range of the available visible light. If the spectrum of visible light was shown on a chart as a length of 1 mile, our eyes only detect the light in just 18.5 feet of it.

As we know, animals, birds and even plants can detect lightwaves in a far greater percentage of the spectrum. Plants? Yes. Photosynthesis through the leaves.  We don’t need eyes to see. Do we use our eyes in our dreams when we’re asleep?

So, who do we think we are fooling when we suggest we are the all-seeing humans we claim to be?

But we hear everything through our ears?

Not as such, no. Our ears detect air movement and returns the data immediately to the brain where it is converted into specific sounds. This air movement is measured in sonic waves of which an average human ear can detect from 20Hz to 20KHz, smaller as you age. At its best, we only detect sound (sonic waves) in no more than 4% of the spectrum, which, by the way, is the same spectrum as all our senses work.

Our ears don’t actually hear sounds. They are instruments that detect the waves within the limited spectrum range and send them to our brains, where the information is translated into sounds. But we know that animals ‘hear’ far beyond our limited range. Dogs, for example, not only have a wider range of information on the spectrum but also are far more sensitive to hearing sounds at far greater distances.

Get your head around this: A tree that falls in a forest does not make a sound. Only the living animal or human would interpret the moving air from the falling tree as a sound. 

We can taste everything though, right?

Nowhere near. Taste is interpreted by our brain from the information received from the limited taste buds on our tongue. The brain interprets tastes into combinations of 5 taste qualities. Sweet, sour, bitter, salty and savoury. Everything we place on our tongue is interpreted by the brain. The signals from the tongue are converted to ‘taste’ by our brain.

People under hypnosis can easily be made to eat lemons believing them to be sweet oranges. It’s the work of the brain, not the tongue.

Animals can ‘taste’ in a far greater range than us, though they’re often less picky at what they eat! Some animals use their tongues to detect movements and smells in the air by using their ‘taste’ sensors. Snakes, for example, taste the air around them for potential prey.

Don’t tell me, we can’t smell too well either?

Speak for yourself! Seriously though, we would appear to do a little better with smelling. But of course, it’s not actually our noses doing the smelling as such. Airwaves enter our nose, and the data from it is sent to our brain, which converts and interprets the smell. The good news is that the receptors in our nose can detect enough information to send to the brain where up to one trillion odours are available.

But that is still a minute fraction compared with animals. Dogs have 50 more scent receptors per human receptor, meaning their smell is between 10,000 and 100,00 times greater than ours. Add to that the greater distances animals can detect scents from.

Specific dogs have been trained by scientists to detect cancer cells in humans through scent. So no, our sense of ‘smell’ is very restricted. Our brain could probably handle more data, but the receptors in our nose are limited.

What about touch?

Touch is an interpretation our brains make based on the nerve sensors near the surface of our skin. We do pretty well with touch, though still only a tiny fraction of the available spectrum. and very limited in distance.

Scientists have calculated that we can detect movements in the air smaller than a millionth of a metre. The difference between our sense of ‘touch’ and other living things is to do with the greater ability of our brains to interpret the information. Animals use the ‘touch’ information for fewer tasks. A worm, for example, will detect raindrops landing on the soil and interpret that as a reason to come to the surface. Have you ever watched birds patting the ground to fool the worms below?

Humans are more aware of ‘pain’ detected through the nerves that send the signals to the brain for interpretation. It is well-known that mediums are often more sensitive than others as a result of years of attuning their senses, including touch. But again, we only sense a tiny fraction of the available data for the brain to convert.

To test how sharp our sense of touch really is, find a field with a single tree in the middle of it and visit it on a windy day. Slowly walk towards the tree until you can ‘detect’ the air movement made by the tree swaying. Most people won’t notice any difference, but some animals would.

It is easy to appreciate that we are indeed ‘slaves’ to our senses, to quote David Icke.

Who on earth do we think we are believing that we are the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing race that we are?  Every aspect of our lives is determined by our brain’s interpretation of the very limited information it receives from the five departments responsible for our senses. Over our lives, we learn to ignore much of the information our brain reports regarding the senses. We become selective in what we sense, and in doing so, we narrow that band of information available to even less than it could be.

As apparently intelligent humans, why would we suggest there is nothing more to detect with our senses? Why could there not be other lifeforms in the space around us going undetected outside of our ranges? What other things are the animals around us detecting?

As a medium myself (a sensitive), I am frustrated when I witness other mediums at work struggling to forward communication from the other world without using any of their available senses. Worse still, few mediums will take little time to sharpen their senses, their sense of hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling, touching and so on.

If we want to detect information beyond our senses ranges, we must take time to attune and sharpen them, and to train the brain to interpret them. Surely, that is our role as mediums in order to stack the odds in our favour.

In times gone by, mediums sat in circles over many years, learning to hone their senses. Consequently, they learnt about their energy field’s powers and how they interact with their senses. 

In this article, we’ve learnt that our senses are the work of our brain interpreting information from our sense organs. Our mind feeds off the brain. So, if we are to become greater ‘mental’ mediums, doesn’t it make sense to work on sharpening our very limited senses?

Listen out for the mediums when they’re demonstrating, and count how many times they refer to a sense. “I feel…” or “I sense…” or “I am aware…

Stop with the belief that you see everything – you don’t. Stop believing you hear all the sounds around you – you don’t. Stop believing you taste, or sense everything around you – you don’t. The truth is, there is far more information around you than you could ever possibly interpret, no matter how attuned you become.

Why be a slave to your senses? Why limit your perceptions to just that what you understand? Our senses are nothing more than variations of frequencies our brain decodes, interprets and reports. Our reality is created by those interpretations. Is that really all there is to experience in this world?

Your brain creates your reality – a limited existence within a vast range of available information. Now, there is the question – where is reality really? In your brain, or around you? Remember, you create reality through your senses. Surely, if our dreams are created by our brains, isn’t that, therefore, a reality? How can you dismiss that?

The next time you’re thinking of asking the question, “Where is the spirit world?” think about it in the knowledge that your reality exists in a confined range of available frequencies. Perhaps the spirit world is more of a reality than your limited existence. Why do I suggest that? Because you limit your life to the abilities of your sense organs. You create your reality, not mine, yours.

There is a notion that suggests if we attuned ourselves to not rely on the physical senses’ limitations, we might experience better experiences with the spirit world; after all, they don’t have biological organs to rely on. But that would be too difficult to achieve, considering you have built your reality over a lifetime relying on those physical sense organs.

There is more to life on earth than the reality you have created. You’d do well to remember that!


One Response

  1. Just read this for the second time Trevor, it is extremely enlightening and something I never really understood, the comment about a Tree falling in a Forest not making a sound was astonishing to read! So many things you have quoted to get my head around, thank you.
    You have done an amazing job creating The Podcasts and all of your other work over the years that you started. I for one really enjoyed them and understand you saying that there is more to life on earth than the reality you have created. The more I learn the more I have to learn! Every single day is “A School Day”. Thank you.

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