|| This summary written on 18th January 2024
Throughout my time following this life path I have always asked questions and then some! I’ve always been the sort of person that wants to know how everything works. It comes from my childhood when I took everything apart, and often broke it in the process!
I can’t help but think those ways have shaped my life, and in many ways held me back. I used to believe that questioning everything I was taught was a healthy way to move forward with my spiritual unfoldment. I still do, but to a lesser extent.
After transcribing today’s speaker’s message for this presentation, again I find myself questioning their sentiments. Yet, the very foundation of their message is that constant questioning often serves to hold us back.
The speaker is aware that in my next session with them I am going to present a question from a reader. The speaker suggests they can answer the question here and now with one word, but declares that this won’t satisfy the querent. Honestly, I don’t think I would be satisfied either! Believe it or not, at this very moment of writing this, I can’t recall what that question was, or what the answer given was. So I hope you’ll join me for the next session where we’ll discover whether the speaker’s short answer would suffice.
This speaker today appears to want me to remember them from their life on earth. I haven’t a clue who it might be, so if you recognise their words, please do share with me who you think it is.
Good evening again my friend. You're happy connecting to us when you're on that island, aren't you?
Joan is very happy to hear you're reading her recommended book again. You're understanding everything a lot more now, and the book has taken on a different meaning this time around.
Those special people that spend time, when they're on earth, mentoring students such as yourself do continue in that role when they cross to this side. Joan has proven that for you. Many of those special ones that you have heard of, met or have read about, also continue in their work this side.
Your mind has filled with their names, but I don't want you to write them all down now. Apart from Joan, you've heard from several through your work you done with the pen. They rise to the challenge gladly, even though the methods of teaching have had to be adjusted. Their messages are stronger now too.
You were reading in that book earlier where there was mention of education not being the important factor. But that is correct, only if you understand the entirety of the message. So long as the education you receive helps you understand your enlightenment, then it is noble to study.
I've always believed that life, whether here in this realm, or back on earth is both simple and complicated at the same time. Your reason for being there is simple - to reach a state of inner understanding, peace and love. The complications arise in trying to achieve it though.
Your next session with the pen is going to include a question asked by one of your loyal readers. You don't yet know the question, for your partner has not revealed it. We know what that question is and could simply answer it with one word - yes.
But would your reader accept that single word without question? Would that person be satisfied with the simple yes? No. So we will have to fatten the answer with what might appear unnecessary words to convince them.
You see - life is both simple and yet often complicated at the same time. The need to embellish the answer is only caused by the reader's lack of trust, belief and dissatisfaction.
Life would flow much easier without humans on both sides complicating matters beyond any rational reason. You have heard the phrase, "If you want somebody to learn something, you have to repeat it to them many times first."
Imagine how simple life would become if we all just accept the answers in simple form, absorb the answer, and act upon it without question. Don't worry, it's an eternal problem that even those of us here have to endure.
I'm sure your reader will have read my words you've transcribed this day, before they get their "yes" answer.
Oh ye of little faith. Your mind is filling with thoughts of what if "yes" is not the simple answer. Well, you'll have to find out yourself then won't you?
Yes that is typical of my sense of humour and I suppose I should apologise. You've not given much thought to who I am, or what my earth name was. I'm glad of that, yet I'm also disappointed. I'm one of the few that still like to let everyone know who I was on earth.
Of course it doesn't really matter. But there are many clues in the words I've share with you. I do hope you do figure it out.
I see your page count has reached the amount that you like for your presentations, so I won't waste any more of your ink, so to speak!
Have a wonderful time on the island and I do look forward to your team this side allowing me to come through again soon.
Goodbye my dear friend.
Thursday 18th January 2024
37 days after the session was transcribed
As I mentioned in the opening notes, I still do believe in questioning everything, but I do believe there are some aspects of this work are best accepted on face value. The challenge is knowing when to not question. Some of the words from this speaker question me, and all of us, about our approach. I like that sort of challenge.

🔷 This speaker appears to be maintaining some ego from their life on earth. They still want to be remembered by their earth name, while recognising it’s not important. I haven’t a Scoobie who it is!
🔷 Yes, I had been re-reading the recommended “Conversations with God” whilst there in Lanzarote. I found the book more enlightening than I did first time, due to my personal advancements.
🔷 I do understand the philosophy from the speaker about life being both simple and complicated. I’m just not entirely convinced that questioning is always going to hold us back in our unfoldment. Yes, sometimes questioning will, but not all the time.
“Life is both simple and yet often complicated at the same time.”
This article was originally published on the Spirited Talk Substack channel and transferred to this site: 141124
series 4
7th – 18th December 2023