|| This summary written on Monday 11th November 2024

The spirit world are aware of what we are doing, specifically regarding our unfoldment and spiritual development. Of that, I’m confident.

I’m not suggesting that every action we take is monitored by some overseeing force, though of course how would I know. I do, however, believe that when we undertake something that adds energy to our greater good collective, the spirit realm are aware. 

I believe our energy fields, and not just those that some mediums are aware of through aura reading, have unique colour mixes, based on our life activities. The hue of the greater good energy being distinct to the spirit world. When we do something that adds to the collective greater good, the spirit realm are aware. 

During this visit to Lanzarote in May, I continued to read a book I’d recently started. It was, “The Dream,” by David Icke.  Being a person with an open mind, I believe I’m quite capable of making my own mind up whether an author is talking fact or fiction, good or bad, fantasy or fact. David walks very close to the line of writing fantasy. Close, but not always over it as some would believe. I found the five-hundred page book enlightening and full of notions that might well be based on facts rather than fiction. 

I didn’t recommend the book on this website at the time, because I didn’t believe it would benefit anyone wanting to expand their spiritual awareness in the direction best for them. Today’s speaker certainly maintains an opinion about the book and is straight to the point when telling me so. 

Perhaps this kind of honesty with our higher Self and the spirit realms is something that we should all foster more.  The spirit world can help us, to some extent. But first, we have to unfold that relationship of trust and belief.

  • The message in today’s session is very much a personal one for me. The speaker was also very aware that this series from Lanzarote was to end with their words.


Session transcribed on Monday 27th May 2024 at 5:00pm

You've made the decision to make this session your last before you return to your home tomorrow. I'd like to commend you on your devotion to sit for our words over the past few weeks.

You know, its wonderful for us too. To be able to share our words and thoughts with you and your readers is really special. Thank you.

I know you're a little concerned about the lack of interest your work is getting by your spiritual community, but don't be. The words we share with you will be eventually read by thousands of people across the planet. Your work is not in vain. Its an integral ingredient in the tapestry of information for others that will walk in your footprints some day soon. Your rewards are in the lifestyle you enjoy.

I'd like to share some help and advice with you. I know you are planning to write an edition for your Inspired Spirit series, where you're going to suggest alternative possible realms being present. May I suggest you be careful with your wording. You and I belong to the same, and most important realm. To explore other realms may become too much of a distraction in your own unfoldment.

You know I wouldn't wish to take away your free-will, but you know the old saying "put your fingers in the fire and you'll get burnt".

The book you're reading has inspired your thinking, but trust me, much of what you've read is not in the remotest true. I'll say no more.

When you return home, would you find time to sit in your cabinet a bit more often. We can help your connection more if we can strengthen your connection from sitting in the power.

I've covered everything I wanted to share with you today. I know your journey home will be safe and swift. From all of us here that have had the opportunity to speak - thank you.

Goodbye my friend, a lyric from one of my old favorite songs from earth days!


Monday 11th November 2024
167 days after the session was transcribed

Some might read this message as containing a few do’s and don’ts, something beyond our expectations of the spirit people working with us. I invite such advice and therefore am happy to pen their messages, especially if they contain helpful advice for me.

🔷 The success of this work, and this online archive has not yet come to fruition. Yes it is concerning, but not yet alarming! You only got to look at the actions of some of the mediums in our community to realise that fewer than ever appear to be focused on educating themselves and more concerned about their egos.

🔷 The article I’d written to draft, that the speaker is referring to, was shelved, partly because I wasn’t comfortable with it factually, and partly because that seemed to be the opinion of this speaker too.

🔷I carry some guilt about still not finding the time to sit in the power at home, as often as I do when away. So the spirit are correct to keep asking me to. I should, and I will, soon.

Referring to the WFSIW sessions: "You know, its wonderful for us too. To be able to share our words and thoughts with you and your readers is really special. Thank you. ."

Producing this content for online archives is often a lonely task. I never know who reads it, or whether it helps people in their own spiritual journey. I am aware that the comments section is only available to subscribing envoys, but it would be nice to hear from you anyway! You’ll find the email address in this website. Drop me a line with your comments!

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

A simple change of scenery can bring about powerful shifts in the flow of time and emotions."

Haruki Murakami


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.