10 Pioneers Of Mediumship – 3

How The Information Was Collated

This article’s content was initially researched using AI questions to gather some information. The information has been checked for accuracy and rewritten where necessary.

Humans have communicated with the afterlife for hundreds of years. Some philosophers and theologians suggest that Christ was a medium of his time. Throughout history, mystics and seers have claimed to be able to access the spirits and souls of people who have passed from this world. 

The most well-known medium, in the purest sense of the word, was Emanuel Swedenborg, who lived in the 1700s. His work in communicating with the spirit world remains important to this day. His research and experiences are still believed to be some of the finest in history, and his books continue to sell worldwide. These books are essential reads for anyone interested in the history of mediumship.

The 19th century saw a surge in the popularity of communicating with the spirits of the deceased, which became a prevalent social activity. This was largely due to the creation of Spiritualism, a religion that emerged from the events in a Hydesville cottage in 1848, known as the rappings. Spiritualists became the ‘umbrella’ name for people following this interest as part of the newly formed Spiritualist movement. 

In this series, some of the most excellent mediums of modern-day spiritualism will be briefly presented to you. The mediums included are in no particular order of abilities. Each of these mediums contributed uniquely to the spiritualist movement, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire both believers and researchers in parapsychology and psychical research. Their impact on spiritualism and the broader cultural and religious landscape of the 20th century is undeniable.



1823 - 1899
Born Emma Floyd in London. She travelled to America in 1855 as an actress to work in a Broadway theatre. In 1856, Emma chose to focus her attention on her mediumship gift that she'd recently realised.

On 5th July 1857 Emma gave her debut lecture at Troy, New York. Her platform trance work followed. Emma became a prolific writer, producing valuable histories of the early Spiritualist movement. On 11th October 1870 she married William Britten.

During a visit to Oldham Temple, Emma read a paper she'd written titled, “What has Spiritualism taught, and what good has it done for Humanity?” It contained twelve short statements, the last one being a summary of her Principles. Refined and established as the 7 principles used by the SNU.


1832 - 1919
SIr William was a renowned and respected physicist and chemist who became interested in spiritualism in the late 1860s, and was most strongly involved around 1874–1875. It is thought his interest was sparked after the death of his brother, Philip.

Between 1871 and 1874, Crookes studied the mediums Kate Fox, Florence Cook, and Daniel Dunglas Home. After his investigation, he believed that the mediums could produce genuine paranormal phenomena and communicate with spirits.

Crookes devoted much time to scientific study of mediums and their powers. Several well-known mediums were uncovered as frauds when taking part in the experiments.


1862 - 1944
Hilma Af Klint was a Swedish artist whose paintings were considered among the first abstract works known in western art history.

In 1880 at the age of 18, she became involved in a spiritual life which soon after influenced her paintings. She became able to allow the spirit connect to control her paintbrush which resulted in many astonishing paintings. In her diary, she wrote, "The pictures were painted directly through me, without any preliminary drawings and with great force. I had no idea what the paintings were supposed to depict, nevertheless, I worked swiftly and surely, without changing a single stroke."

Hilma was assigned by the high masters to create paintings for 'The Temple', though she confessed to not knowing what that was referring to.


1914 - 1972
Willam was born in a village near Leeds, to a spiritualist mother. He is considered by many to be the finest healing medium of his times, tested by experts and producing incredible results.

His spiritualist work started as a trance medium being guided by his control, White Hawk, who later introduced him to his new control - an Indian known as Dr. Letari.

At one time, William invited two doctors to put their diagnosis of three patients in sealed envelopes and to bring an object from each patient. His diagnoses were compared with the doctors' and found to be accurate and more detailed.

Lilley eventually opened a healing sanctuary and continued to diagnose and heal for the remainder of his life.


1814 - 1884
British artist, Georgiana Houghton (1814-1884), developed skills as a medium after attending her first séance in 1859 and achieved her first mediumistic drawings in 1861. For the next decade, under the guidance of a spirit called Lenny followed by master painters and 70 Archangels, she produced over 155 extraordinary watercolour spirit drawings.

Amongst her circle of friends and fellow Spiritualists she soon became recognised as a pioneer of spirit art with Anna Howitt Watts and Elizabeth Wilkinson. Others such as Barbara Honywood, Catherine Berry and Alice Pery followed demonstrating that in England it was women who led the field of spirit inspired art.


1883 - 1964
Arthur Findlay MBE JP was a writer, accountant, stockbroker and Essex magistrate, as well as a significant figure in the history of the religion of Spiritualism, being a partial founder of the newspaper Psychic News and also a founder of the International Institute for Psychical Research. In his will he left his home, Stansted Hall, to the Spiritualists' National Union. Nowadays, the college is renowned across the world as the finest of its kind in the world.

n 1918 Findlay attended a séance with the direct voice medium John Campbell Sloan at a spiritualist church in Glasgow. During the next five years Findlay attended many seances at the medium's home and became convinced spirit voices were speaking through Sloan.

Findlay wrote several books on Spiritualism of which "On the Edge of the Etheric " (1931) remains an important source for students.


1824 - 1883
Maria B. Hayden was the American medium who brought Spiritualism to the U.K. in 1852-53. Through her séances in England, Maria convinced many that there is life after death. One such person was the already well-known Welsh social reformer and agnostic Robert Owen, who enthusiastically promoted Maria's mediumship in the British press.

Maria was never a public or trance speaker; she preferred to offer séances and private sittings.

Maria B. Hayden was born in Nova Scotia, Canada. Her paternal grandfather, was from Yorkshire, England. Maria became an American citizen by virtue of her marriage to an American.

When touring in England with her mediumship, Maria faced much disbelief and many critics tried to discredit her work, which was unknown in the UK at that time.


1890 – 1980
Harold Sharp Harold came from a farming background, living with his father on the family farm in Leicestershire. He was raised a Roman Catholic and when his father died Harold moved to London. On his first day in London he visited Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s psychic museum. Harold decided to go in and left with an address for a medium named Charles Gover Bothham to which he received an extraordinarily accurate message regarding his father and his farm. This made Sharp think seriously about the case for spiritualism.

Harold developed his mediumship and became well known from the 1940’s for creating circular drawings he named auragraphs. These were symbolic drawings representing a person’s life – past, present and potential, and created from interpreting their aura. After the drawing was completed, the medium would be entranced whilst his guide, Chan Shih, would inform the sitter of the drawing’s meaning.


1838 - 1927
Victoria was born in Ohio, USA and died in England. She was a woman ahead of her time in beliefs and lifestyle which, at that time, got her into trouble many times. She was born a daughter of a spiritualist and spent her life developing her abilities alongside her holistic beliefs about illness and cures.

Victoria used what was termed as magnetism for her successful healing practice. Victoria believed her personal spirit guide was the Greek orator Demosthenes, whom she saw and conversed with from an early age. But she was 30 before he revealed his name to her.

It is said Victoria followed the spirits' advice as she moved around the country with her first husband and children, letting them direct where they went. Later on, Demosthenes directed her to St. Louis, where she met her second husband, Col. James Blood (who happened to be President of the St. Louis Society of Spiritualists)


1771– 1858
Robert Owen was a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropist and social reformer. He founded utopian socialism and believed in lifelong education, having received little in his childhood.

In 1817, Owen publicly claimed that all religions were false, yet in 1854, aged 83, Owen converted to spiritualism after a series of sittings with Maria B. Hayden, an American medium credited with introducing spiritualism to England.

Owen claimed to have had medium contact with the spirits of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and others. Spiritualists claimed after Owen's death that his spirit had dictated to the medium Emma Hardinge Britten.


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