A Brief Insight Into Physical Mediumship

Communicating with those from the spirit world is a remarkable event that occurs worldwide thousands of times daily by mediums. But even after several hundreds of years of this incredible phenomenon, most people remain unconvinced that it is real.

As a medium myself, I have shared with many people incredible pieces of evidence that their loved and lost ones live on. Gold nugget, as I call it, proof that I could not have otherwise known, proves beyond reasonable doubt that some invisible force shared with the sitter through my mind. The method of mediumship I use, as do the most considerable majority of mediums around the world today, is known as mental mediumship. The evidence is somehow passed into our mind, where we become aware of it and, acting as the medium, relaying it to the sitter. I use the same process to transcribe messages from the other side in my spirit-inspired writing. Relying on what I ‘hear’ in my mind whilst I’m attuned to that state of mind most suited for the process to happen.

Many mediums can go deeper with their mediumship in a process known as trance mediumship. The medium sits in an altered state of awareness and allows a speaker from the other side to speak through them, often altering the natural voice of the medium. These processes rely mainly on the medium’s mind to be used as the platform for communication. In trance mediumship, the biggest challenge for the medium is keeping their mind out of the process as much as possible. The medium’s mind remains active to some extent. That can result in the medium filtering and interpreting the original message. It happens, and cannot be avoided most of the time, though the deeper the altered state of mind becomes, the more free and pure the messages become.

We tag these types of mediumship as subjective. They rely on the medium’s personal emotions, feelings and, often, opinions. An observer has the role of deciding how much of the communication is from the medium’s own mind and how much is from an alternative source through the medium’s mind. One of the most remarkable types of mediumship is where something happens in the room that is witnessed by everyone present and is beyond the control of the medium for the more significant part. This mediumship is known as physical. It’s an objective event that others present experience. In our modern world today, this is a rare form of mediumship.


The most documented physical mediumship occurred in Hydesville during the 1840s when the Fox sisters learned to communicate with a person in spirit through the process written up as ‘The Knockings’. Everyone present at the time could ask the person in spirit questions and receive the answers through a series of knocks heard from the tiny home’s walls. These events caused great interest in the community and beyond. This era has since been considered as the birth of modern spiritualism.

From those early events, people started to investigate the world of spirit, often sitting in circles in their homes in the hope of a spirit person communicating with them. This progressed further with mediums learning to sit for longer in the energy they created (the power), allowing the spirit people to manipulate their minds and bodies.


The forces we consider to be that of the spirit world are intelligent beyond our understanding. Their parameters are more advanced than ours and are not limited to the laws of our science and physics. The ways that the invisible intelligence manipulates energy is beyond our present understanding. Scientist and investigators this side of life have witnessed and tested the spirit world’s creations on many occasions. The scientist’s conclusions can be read in many books, such as The Scole Experiments and many more. 

I don’t believe I could have approached this article with any real level of depth, without having experienced for myself some of the incredible work of the chemists and scientists now residing in the world of spirit. I have witnessed first hand the work of the people in spirit. Physical evidence witnessed by others present that defy any logical explanation or trickery. 


Séances are gatherings where people communicate with people now living in the spirit world. The practice originated in the 19th century and was most popular in England and France.

The word “séance” comes from the French word meaning “session”. The practice was based on the belief that departed souls can interact with the living.  Early spiritualists believed they were shedding light on the transition of the human spirit from the physical body to the afterlife.

Around the turn of the twentieth century, séances were commonplace, often held in ordinary households on a frequent basis, where family and friends would gather around a table for the purpose of communicating with the spirit world. But this activity wasn’t restricted to ordinary people. Queen Victoria and her husband Albert, for example hosted regular séances at Windsor Castle. Other participants of this popular activity were prominant people such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Winston Churchill and eminant scientists of the day.

Through experimentation, those holding séances learned what worked best and what didn’t, over time refining a system involved with strict rules.

Nowadays, séances are rare, hard to find, and even harder to be a part of. Everyone that attends a seance must be scritinised, tested, and deemed open minded enough. They must have no alterior motives other than to experience the uniting of the two worlds.  Those lucky enough to be invited often attend a pre-meeting where the conditions of the séance room are explained along with the strict rules they are expected to abide by. Before entering the séance room, they are checked for hidden equipment, and items such as smartphones, watches, cameras, and anything light emitting are not allowed.

The séance room has usually been prepared in advance. This includes a thorough clean and black taping over every light creating item, such as ceiling fire alarms. The blackness of a séance room can, at first, be very disorientating with no clues being able to be made out, even after the eyes have fully adjusted to the dark.

Everything and everybody is strictly examined before the séance can begin. Everyone present witnesses the medium being secured to a chair with cable ties fastening their wrists and feet to the chair. Sitters are invited to check the secureness and confirm that the medium is disabled as much as possible.

The floor in the centre of the circle of people may contain random items, such as pen and paper, toys, instruments, spirit trumpets and other interactive items approved by the organisers.

When the séance begins, the sitters are expected to take part in energy-building exercises, such as singing hymns and popular old songs. Laughter and chat is allowed. This period usually lasts for an hour or beyond where nothing is expected to happen.

When the communicators from the other side first introduces themselves, the room is filled with excitement and positivity – the perfect energy for the communication to begin. The voices of people in spirit do not eminate from the medium, or anyone else in the room. They are formed using a voicebox, created by the people in spirit for the occasion.  The incidents that happen during the 2-3 hours of a séance defy logical description and rather than document them in this article, I’ll just offer you some assurance that they are real, not faked, and beyond one’s understanding of the laws of science and physics.

One quick example, to give you a taster, happened during a séance I attended at the Arthur Findlay College with the incredible physical medium, Scott Milligan. During the séance we all heard a loud bang, as if something had landed in the room. When the lights were introduced at the end of the séance, Scott had been lifted and moved around 10 feet into the centre of the room, from the cabinet he had been positioned. His attire had been removed and put back on inside out and over the cable ties that were all intact. Everyone had been holding hands throughout the séance and it would have been impossible for Scott to have moved with such accuracy, in amongst the array of toys on the floor, without somebody have knowing. 

The events that occurred in the small number of séances I’ve attended will stay with me forever. They were so miraculous, so unbelievable, so beyond our laws of science, that explaining to others nowadays makes me appear a fantasist with a good imagination! They happened and I know it, as does every single person in those séance rooms. I have absolutely no doubts that people in spirit can and do present themselves to us, under the correct conditions, for everyone present to witness. This is the essence of physical mediumship.


We are fortunate enough nowadays to be able to connect vast libraries and archives of information through the world wide web, that each of us can freely access on the devices in our pockets.

Searches will reveal many accounts of physical mediums results in the past. Such examples of levitation, witnessed by dozens of witnesses, apportation of articles through the ether, and many more such impossibilities.

Places, such as The Royal Albert Hall were often filled with people gathered to watch psychic surgery happen where the hands and arms of surgeons in the spirit world were clearly visible to everyone present.

In homes around the nations, adults and children from the spirit world would often appear physically and invite the sitters to touch them and experience them in solid form for a few minutes.

Sitters would be tickled, cuddled and able to feel, hear, and see their loved ones thought to lost forever to the world of spirit. When all the evidence is examined, one would quite naturally wonder why physical mediumship is not so common nowadays, only a few decades later.


There is no single reason why physical mediumship is less common in today’s world. It’s an accumulation of reasons, some of which I’ll now highlight.

CIRCLE DISCIPLINE: Although we have many circles available to expand our mediumship, many are run by inexperienced leaders that don’t know how to encourage specific aspects that would benefit all that sit within the circle. Circles have become diluted, with lack of direction and purpose. Discipline within the circles is often poor, with members coming and going as and when they deem suitable for themselves, rather than with concern for the collective group.

FAST TRACKING STUDENT MEDIUMS: Many circle leaders encourage their students to take to the church podiums too early in their development, suggesting this is so they can gain practical experience. This is all too common and leads to poor mediumship being presented to the congregations. Although podium practice is essential, it should only be encourage after the student has proven a higher level of compendency within the circle and smaller groups.

IMPATIENCE: Too many students are under the belief that they can become mediums in a few weeks, with the odd workshop or after a short while sitting in a circle. Instead students should be prepared to sit in a good circle for a number of years without any expectations. It is during such long term experience the budding medium can unfold and learn to connect with the spirit world correctly.

LACK OF DEVOTION: Becoming a decent medium, trance medium, and a physical medium, takes a lot of time and devotion. It becomes a way of life and takes priority over other pursuits, such as socialising. In today’s fast-moving society few students are willing to commit time and money to their mediumship endeavours. 

MONEY & FAME: There is a fake status to being a decent medium. Many will see it as a path to becoming well-known and liked. Some believe that they might be able to turn their passion for mediumship into a career and money-making venture. Circle leaders often don’t have the experience to develop their students, but see it as a way of charging each sitter a weekly fee. Though there is nothing wrong with being paid for a service, and mediumship is one, the income often becomes the most important reason for doing it. 

MISGUIDANCE: Many of the reasons suggested above, and others unlisted stem from a lack of understanding and guidance. Education and understanding of the science, the philosophy, the expectations, the outcomes, the time it takes, and more are lacking with the influencers and the leaders. A simple principle that should be adhered to is, “Has this leader/tutor achieved what it is I want to learn? Have they therefore got the experience to teach me?


Risking upsetting a few people, mental mediums are two a-penny nowadays, but fewer than ever are any good at it. They don’t have the time, patience, or inclination to devote their living life to truly understanding the craft of communicating with the spirit world. In times gone by, people had fewer distractions in their daily lives, social media, Netflix and clubbing weren’t the dominating factors in their simpler lives. Home circles were held regularly with consistent people coming together at least weekly to sit together for spirit intervention. Circle leaders were knowledgeable and tough enforcing strict rules of the circle.

Several of our recent greater mediums, such as Gordon Higginson, were forced to sit in their circles in silence for many years before being invited to speak. Up to five years of just sitting in the power without being invited to offer a communication. Gordon’s circle leader was his mother, Fanny, who made sure he learned to understand the role of becoming a medium, way before he was allowed to display his abilities.

Many circle sitters were there only to add energy to the circle for the benefit of the medium or others. Imagine asking a student nowadays to sit in a circle every week for at least five years, just to assist the main medium in producing physical evidence.

Another important issue with physical mediumship is regarding the dangers and health implications involved. The people in the spirit world are aware of who is capable of becoming a physical medium, and that is most certainly not every medium. Great tolls are paid on the physical medium’s body. Allowing the chemists and experts in the spirit world to extract, mix and produce substances such as ectoplasm to seep out of a medium’s orifices has great risks involved. Ectoplasm is a physical material produced by experts in the spirit world from chemicals and ingredients in the medium’s body. It is used to manifest specific people from the spirit world into a séance room where they can be seen, touched, and heard as if they were real living earth people. Physical mediums take many years to evolve to this ability. 

One certainty is anyone who has attended a séance is left with zero doubts about there being a life after this one. The evidence is physical and beyond any scepticism. 


Many mediums will be able to share stories of incidences they’ve encountered where a physical event has happened during a normal mediumship demonstration. The challenge with claiming physical evidence is in how many people present witness the incident, and in how every possible alternative reason for the event occurring is ruled out.

When physical events happen during a reading or demonstration, it’s magical, miraculous, and utterly magnificent. It’s what mediumship is all about. The conclusive evidence that life continues after this earthly existence.

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve limited experience with physical mediumship, but what I have has changed my approach to this wonderful ability.

Personal Story

We had been living up in the north of England for a few months. In that short time our cat, Rebo, was taken ill and sadly passed away. In his last few months he had taken home in the reception area to my sanctuary, a converted double garage in our grounds and away from the house.

A lady I had never met was invited by Jane for a reading with me. I sat in the sanctuary and waited for Jane to bring the lady to the sanctuary when she arrived. During the reading, I mentioned to the lady that she too had recently lost a cat to the spirit world. I could not have known that, as I had never met the lady before and knew nothing about her.

When I mentioned the cat being with me, she shared tears of joy and probably grief. During that silent moment of her using a tissue, an almighty loud scuffle broke out in the reception area, to which the door was closed. It lasted about 30 seconds and sounded like two cats running and skidding on the wooden floors, banging into the doors and walls.

We were both frightened and shocked by the event. When the noise stopped, I braved up and suggested we take a look in the reception area to see what had happened. I opened the sanctuary room door carefully, the lady close behind me. Both the bathroom door and the main door were closed. There was no evidence of what might have made two cats enter the reception and kick-off.

When we sat back down moments later, we both concluded that it must only have been her cat’s spirit entering Rebo’s territory and his spirit defending it from this other cat in spirit. There is no other alternative answer. The doors were all closed and nothing came in or out. We both witnessed it and both agreed on what caused it.


The craft of mediumship has aligned with the conditions and times we live in. In days gone by, there was less for people to do in the evenings and circles were a social event. Mediums of the day were more prepared to spend time unfolding their potential. It’s easy to suggest that today’s mediums are less inclined to dedicate more time to their art, which to the large is true, but the spirit world has also progressed. Nowadays, mediums and people working with the spirit world have greater expectations for the evidence. Things that might have been accepted as evidence a century ago, would often not pass the grade nowadays.

The spirit world is experimenting with new ways to communicate with us, embracing our earth technology. There are hundreds of such incidents reported. Voices heard in the white noise of radio signals, messages left on e-tablets, calls received on smartphones, equipment randomly responding to requests of acknowledgement, and many other signs. 

Physical mediumship may not be as rare as one might at first consider. Yes, there are fewer real seances available and fewer quality physical mediums. But if mediums were to use their senses, particularly their eyes and ears, it’s not unrealistic to suggest that the spirit world is making physical contact more often than they are aware of.

ADDITION: A few days ago, after I’d started preparing this article, I was lay on the sofa, with an eye mask on to black out the light. It was mid-afternoon, and I had headphones on, listening to meditation music while relaxing and waiting to nod off for a power nap (it’s an age thing!). Suddenly, I jumped as somebody ticked the soles of my one foot. I felt the fingertips as they tickled me, making me react. I thought it must be my partner who must have entered the room. I took the eye mask off only to discover the room was empty. But I know what I felt, and it was not imagination. Although that is only a story to you, it was evidence of another force at work to me. They knew I was preparing this edition!


21 Famous Physical Mediums of All Time – website by Sandra Martinez

Scott Milligan on We Don’t Die – (podcast) by Sandra Champlain

Text Interview with Stewart Alexander – by Hilde Agabrun

Physical Mediumship – Society For Psychical Research

Physical Medium Alex Harris –  (book) by Louie Harris (link to SNU to preview & buy)

Physical Mediumship – article by Jane Halliwell

Cultivating Physical Mediumship with Robin Foy – New Thinking Allowed (YouTube)

Physical Mediumship & The Survival of Consciousness – IONS Website



One Response

  1. I had tried on a number of occasions to get an invite to a physical medium seance and achieved that goal when I was invited to The Gilbert Sanctuary in Portsmouth with Warren Caylor as the physical medium. As with your good self, that evening was a stunning demonstration. I won’t list everything that happened but examples included,
    A table rose from the floor and danced a few inches from my face.
    The conical trumpet bounced up and down on my knees.
    My hand was patted by a large (male I believe) hand and a little later the back of my hand was stroked by a child’s hand.
    There were 9 attendees sat in a semicircle around the cabinet. We were so close to each other no-one could have moved between us.
    Various spirit voices were heard and the sound of children laughing, running about the room and playing musical instruments but, as I’ve said, there was no room for such activities.
    It was all truly amazing.

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Sit or lie comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Observe which part extends as you breathe in, your chest or your belly?

Now, place your hand over your belly and try to extend it as you breathe in, as if filling a balloon with air.
Observe how your breaths begin to feel deeper and longer.

Choosing to breathe through your diaphragm or belly a few times each day can help you relax and connected to yourself.