Spirit Insights



|| This summary written on 7th January 2024

There is most certainly an appetite for conspiracy theorists amongst our societies. After all, our governments are exactly being governed by the most honest of people. We’ve learned that our so-called leaders are driven by the need for power, rather than a need to make changes. No wonder people don’t trust them these days.

But it’s not just amongst politicians that all the conspiracy theories start out. Higher powers are often the source of this speculation. There are many people that would suggest there are ‘hidden’ governments, made up of a few elite people that are forcing the direction of the superpowers. Others suggest the illuminati are actually ruling the world.

Many conspiracy theories simply don’t hold up to scrutiny. Why? Because we are a more intelligent race nowadays. We have access to more information and news. Even our own craft of talking to dead people is more accepted today than ever before, because there is viable evidence to support our claims.

But we should not dismiss every conspiracy theory as just nonsense. Far from it. Take the UK’s recent post office scandal for example. When that story broke over a decade ago, there were many conspiracy theories emerging about this. The masses weren’t interested in the truth, instead leaning towards there being dishonest post office owners being caught out by an all new computer system. It is only recently that it has been declared that the very system revealing these errors in accounting was actually responsible for causing them.

My personal stand with conspiracy theories is straightforward. Unless I have evidence to support such claims, or the theory is so outlandish that an intelligent person could not remotely believe them, I dismiss them from my radar.

Man landed on the moon, Princess Diane died in a naturally occurring car crash, the world is round, rich people influence big powers, and so on. The facts substantiate the claims and thereby make any conspiracy theories about these events as unlikely to have legs.

In today’s words from the spirit speaker, they answer a question that was sent to me from a reader. But now you know my view on conspiracy theories, ask yourself how much of my own influence might have leaked into the words I transcribed. I always claim to be honest in my approach to this work, but would an apposing opinion to my personal views really get a clear track through my mind? I’m just saying!

  • A question was received in my partner’s inbox, from a reader for the speaker in the spirit world. After I prepared a digital notebook for the session, Jane wrote the question on the first blank page before opening the next blank page and handing me the tablet.

  • I had no idea who the question was from – not knowing is part of my strict rules. After sitting in the silence for a short period, my speaker from the spirit world asked me to start writing without reading the question. Shortly after commencing, he instructed me to page back and read the question for the first time and to return to the writing page immediately without thinking about the question I’d now read.

  • There were no thinking gaps between me reading the question for the first time and commencing the writing of the words in my mind from the speaker. The process was seamless.

  • It is only after the following words were transcribed that I discovered from Jane who had forwarded the question.

Here is the question (which can be read on the first page of the original notebook, saved as a pdf and attached below.)

“About a year ago, the other side talked about glitches in relation to many human deaths, where the number of deaths seem to not be as a random amount, if you Google it.”

“Early this week, 30 horses were burnt in upstate New York. I Googled 30 horses dead, and there were many articles where 30 horses had died. Is this an example of a glitch? What is a glitch? An error in the greater plan? A force we might not have been aware of previously? How do we recognise a glitch?”


Session transcribed on Thursday 7th December 2023 at 11:15 am

This medium has gone to extraordinary lengths to not read these questions set by the sender today. Even as he writes these words, I have instructed him to start writing before he reads the questions, which his partner has written here earlier.

I stepped forward to give the answers required today because I know who the enquirer is. I have worked with them for a long time.

Please read the questions and return here, so I may continue with the answers.

Thank you. We will continue.

I am now talking to the enquirer, the person asking the questions. My answer is framed for them precisely, though may serve as benefit for others reading these words.

Of course, my challenge today will be keeping my medium's mind free of his own thoughts. Let's begin.

Mankind has always been fascinated by such events that happen. When I was on the planet alive, there were all sorts of conspiracies going around that people seemed almost desperate to want to believe.

This desire is often to fill a void. A desire to want there to be more to the truth than at first appears.

I remember there being the case of some random numbers, dates etc being used to suggest that an American President's assassination was part of a bigger conspiracy.

Look, the truth is nothing more than this. There are often unusual forces that appear to work against the greater good. The results and consequences of these forces can occasionally be experienced on the earth plane. But the rise of conspiracy theories is uncalled for.

You live in a world where information is literally at your fingertips. Where you can explore the bank of knowledge in a few seconds and find out about anything you want. Your technology allows this marvel. One would think with so much knowledge being available to everyone, that humans might advance themselves a lot quicker than they are at the moment.

I used to be involved in simple arithmetic, as it was called in my days. I taught younger people how to add and subtract, and to study the wonderful magic that numbers can bring to us. Your numerologists will openly share with you examples of the powers within numbers. But let me explain it all in a more simple way.

Everything, every thought, every word, every action, and every reaction, creates a thread. The word "I" is a thread. The words "I Am" is two threads together. The words "I Am Sitting" is therefore 3 threads that have come together to create a phrase.

Now, allow your mind to consider how many billions of threads make up one person's life in just one day living. Multiply that by the billions of people that are alive on earth. And multiply that by the billions that no longer live on the planet, or the billions that are yet to. How many noughts would your answer have?

Yes, an impossibly big amount of threads.

People like looking for the patterns in the threads, and believe me, with the amount of threads available, patterns will appear quite easily.

Do you remember that suggestion that suggested, " give a monkey a pen and paper, and infinite time, it will write, word for word, a Shakespeare play eventually.

Impossible? Your logic would suggest the chances of it happening being infinitely small. But now go and research how many monkeys have been taught the basics of reading and writing.

Ah, you see, the odds are now reduced! You have to appreciate the vastness of the universe, the size of the collective minds, the infinitesimal bank of threads.

Let me give you another example that this medium might explore for you in his notes later.

Using your research tool, see if you can find evidence to back this statement.

99 out of 100 people will experience at least one occasion in their lives where God, the Divine, spoke to them personally.

Before you rule that out, consider what methods the Divine might use, other than by language.

What I am saying is that anything and everything is possible on an equal basis, that anything and everything can be impossible, implausible, or simply not so.

So, let me sum up. Your question has cited how some threads have come together sharing a similar pattern. They are nothing more than coincidences I'm afraid.

The Divine's way would not be one of any such great mystery. There are no hidden societies or great forces at work. That would simply not be the way of the Divine.

But I must conclude with an admittance that even I am fascinated by such patterns.

The world of conspiracies is rife with evidence that helps bolster the claims. But dear friend, each is nothing more than a thread, or series of threads matching and creating patterns.

My medium is tiring and has a mind that is losing focus too much.

I will therefore leave you with the hope my answer has served to quench your curious thirst. My earth name was Mr Palmer, Richard Palmer. I was a teacher for a number of years, until I retired to serve the ministry.



Sunday 7th January 2024
30 days after the session was transcribed

I hinted of a possible glitch in my thinking, in the opening statement above. How much of my own mind was potentially influencing the words I wrote. Perhaps the speaker was chosen because his views matched mine and therefore the transcription could flow more freely than if an apposing view was attempted, and my mind would have somewhat blocked it. That said, there is plenty of evidence for me that I did not write what I would have. Based on the doubt though, I have only awarded this session an average graphic.

🔷 The notion of ‘threads’ suggested by the speaker does make a lot of sense to me and is not something I could have ‘invented’ on the fly. Given time to think and formulate an answer, I might have come up with something similar, but most certainly not as clear as Mr Palmer has in this session.

🔷 Who was Mr Richard Palmer? A simple search on Google revealed this potential candidate. Of course, we will most likely never know. But what if it was this man talking to me. There is evidence in this article to support it. Read this article.

🔷 Mr Palmer challenged me to research regarding 99 out of 100 people claiming to have been spoken to by God. He didn’t suggest this was fact though, merely as something I could research to substantiate the claim. I spent only a few moments searching the internet for supporting evidence. On the face of it, I discovered nothing of use. However, does this not suggest that we can all make unsubstantiated claims, often with no supporting evidence? Is that not how a conspiracy theory begins?

🔷 One final observation – although I didn’t spend long researching the 30 horse claim that the enquirer suggested, I could only find one incident with exactly 30 horses dying. But I did find many pages covering that one example.

“The world of conspiracies is rife with evidence that helps bolster the claims. But dear friend, each is nothing more than a thread, or series of threads matching and creating patterns.“

This article was originally published on the Spirited Talk Substack channel and transferred to this site: 141124

series 4
7th – 18th December 2023

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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"What you are dependent upon controls you,"

David Icke - The Dream


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.