The speaker, Mr Clive Edwards, shares details of his continuing scientific work in the spirit world.
Read MoreThe speaker, Mr Clive Edwards, shares details of his continuing scientific work in the spirit world.
Read MoreThe original collection of recordings that Minister Simone Key made with Spirited Talk, including her podclass...
Read MoreFilmed at home in the garden CameraInsta360 Go 3 MusicLicensed for use by Spirited Talk WATCH VIDEO
Read MoreWhen I was at school, many decades ago, I was used to getting into trouble with the teacher. My concentration...
Read MoreIt’s all too common a belief that those people in the spirit world are wiser than us on earth. Although...
Read MoreThis video project failed to pick up enough interest to justify continuing the series, which led to the project being...
Read MoreThe second of three articles discusses the basics of automatic or spirit-inspired writing, an age-old method of communicating with the...
Read MoreOriginally transcribed in July 2022, the speaker reminds us that we have eyes, but aren't using them to their fullest.
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