The Lynn Parker Recordings

Minister Lynn Parker is one of the most respected mediums and tutors in the UK and beyond. She has been aware of the presence of spirit around her since childhood, though circumstances meant she could not pursue this aspect of her life for some years.

In her ordinary life, Lynn qualified as a teacher and a qualified counsellor. Lynn’s home is in Cheshire with her family, though her work with spirit takes her across the world nowadays. 

Lynn understands the importance of correct teaching and has worked hard to achieve the following qualifications within this work:

SNU Diplomas:

• Basic Foundation (Academic)

• Public Speaking

• Teaching – DSNUT

SNU Certificates of Recognition:

• Demonstration (Evidential Mediumship)

• Public Speaking

• SNU Tutor

” I firmly believe that the best way to develop mediumship is by being committed, working hard and by developing your own unique relationship with the Spirit World.”

These recordings were made with Spirited Talk via Zoom over two sessions in August 2020 and published on the original website.




Hosted by Trevor, the interview podcasts were first released in April 2020 during the global pandemic. The final interview podcast was in February 2022.

Other styles of podcast are continuing to be produced occasionally.

The collection have been listened to by over 300,00 listeners across the world in over sixty countries and states.

Most of the podcasts remain available from many of the top podcast apps, including Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and many more including Amazon’s Alexa devices.

Simply ask, “Alexa. Play Spirited Talk Podcasts.”


Please Note

Some of the links and promotions within these audio podcasts may have changed since the recordings were originally produced. However the sentiments and main content is as relevant now as ever.

What Is A Podclass?

The word ‘podclass’ was devised by Trevor for Spirited Talk in 2020 and was used to define the learning podcasts. Selective guests were chosen to share their classroom style lessons, using Trevor as the student.

Many of these podcasts are now only available to the Spirited Talk Envoys on this website.

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