|| This summary written on Monday 12th August 2024
The words from today’s speaker from the spirit world are, once again, filled with meaningful notions about how we should lead our lives while we’re in this earth realm.
I remember once learning that changing habits is often harder than we might imagine. The more ingrained the habit has become, the harder it will be to change it. Smoking, for example, is not hard to give up. The difficulty comes in changing the mindset that has created the habit. It’s the same principle for changing our established ways of thinking and living life.
As someone following a life path of unfoldment, improvement and (here’s that word again!) betterment, some aspects are hard to embrace. Old habits formed over a lifetime of practising them often require a radical change to our thinking. I’m like many other people, I need to be told things many times before I adopt them into my lifestyle.
It’s through those constant reminders from our higher spirit, or others in a position to preach them, that, like the ‘drip drip’ effect, those necessary changes do happen over time. It takes persistence, determination, desire and focus to break habits and change our ways of thinking.
Today’s speaker talks from a position of understanding and realism. Through my own education and relationship with the spirit world, I am confident that the headlight I wear on my proverbial journey through life is shining on the correct path ahead. I am aware it is a journey that thankfully, I will never complete.
In reading these words, and other from the WFSIW series, you must surely begin to appreciate that mediumship itself is just one small faculty within the entire picture.
You're awake late again this day. I'm sure you would benefit from a better sleep routine, not that it's any of my business. I was always an early to bed and early to rise person. I used to enjoy the freshness of the morning air filled with the sounds of the birds. Each to their own, that's what I believe.
Yes, you've been catching some of my prompts about what I wish to speak to you about tonight. But please, only write my words and don't let your own thoughts penetrate mine.
Humans have lots of habits and traits that serve no purpose in their being, many of which will delay their progress. You've been using a lot of your thoughts concerned about what others think of you in the way you choose to work with us. This is a dangerous trend, my dear friend. You should live yourself in your light and not in the light of others. That is how shadows of darkness are cast. Your first and only concern should always be about how you interpret what you do to progress your path through life. Following others footsteps. is not always wise. What if those footprints were left by someone who was themself lost?
Create your own path and use your wisdom you've learnt from others to navigate you forward.
Always remember that your naiveness is your strength and power.
Thank you for erasing that last sentence. It was your words, not mine. This illustrates the challenge we sometimes have when talking to you about a topic that animates your mind into play.
There are no perfect humans. There never was and there never will be. Even in my world, people are not perfect. We are all flawed by the very nature of our design. That is the result of uniqueness. Had you never realised that?
Your speaker yesterday talked about betterment and hinted on how to measure it. To achieve that betterment you should realise that betterment is a result of actions taken. These actions are little things at first, that when repeated consistently, become habitual. Habits that serve to increase your betterment, your long term path towards the eventual light of God.
You must surely realise that opposites of betterment, in other words, those habits and traits formed of a negative thinking, serve only to dilute your betterment. As your teacher once told you, you cannot call yourself 95% honest. Honesty is 100%. Anything less doesn't count.
Humans choose to close their eyes to some things. They do so in the hope that all the good things they do well counter the bad things. Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Betterment is a deliberate and continuous state of being. Remember what I said though, nobody that ever lived on earth was perfect. Everyone is flawed, as I am too. But working harder, living with purpose, in a deliberate state of improvement leads to a greater betterment. A greater achievement from the life given.
The easiest achievement for people is to be imperfect. Everyone will achieve imperfection without any effort. The hardest achievement is to fulfil life with habits and actions that lead to a state of betterment.
One of the lines in the Lord's prayer covers this very well.
"Lead us not into temptation, for thine is the power and the glory, forever and ever."
The Divine way is not one where negative traits serve purpose. And when I talk about traits, they often start with thoughts. Thoughts that serve no good. Humans have been relishing in these negative states for far too long. Emotions such as jealousy, anger, greed and lust. Often only thoughts, yet serving only to hinder the betterment from progress.
I do enjoy sharing this philosophy with you. You have a mind that listens and absorbs the words we share.
Life is enjoyable, more so if it is one fulfilled with love and light. Time you rested on my words now. I hope they serve you, and whoever reads them.
Let the light of the Divine light up your soul as is shines brightly through your heart and your spirit.
Goodbye for now.
Monday 12th August 2024
97 days after the session was transcribed
The separation between my mind and the words I transcribe is clearly becoming easier to witness. As I create this presentation over three months later, I am filled with happiness and gratification that I was privileged to relay the words of this speaker. Again, a high graphic below reflects my thoughts.

This session suggests that the speakers often do know what has been relayed through me on previous occasions. This session seamlessly continues from the last session and adds to it with practical advice.
I love the use of the line from The Lord’s Prayer. We all know the words off by heart. But do we ever take time to consider what message each set of words relay?
I feel comforted in the reassurance that the perfect person has never lived and that it is my own light that should guide me, and not the light of others.
"You should live yourself in your light and not in the light of others. That is how shadows of darkness are cast. "