

So Obvious, So Ignored

|| This summary written on Saturday 13th April 2024

Working to live a spiritual life is a personal endeavour, as is the unfoldment and education needed to become an ambassador for the spirit world. For me, mediumship is far more than standing in front of people to share messages from the other side. Yes, that is important, but so is self-growth.

Through the use of a pen and notepad, whilst sitting in the power of self and spirit, I have learned how to transcribe messages from others living in the next life. These transcriptions are personal and primarily for me. The speakers know that others read the words, and often, the messages are meant for more than just myself.

I was truly moved and inspired when I digitised the transcription for this edition. The message is a beautiful one. I’ve learned something from this session that has motivated me to add something to my daily to-do list. I’ll share that with you in the Afterthoughts below.

I have always loved the philosophy we have access to in our world of spiritual unfoldment. I often think that the sentiments from a good piece of philosophy mean so much more than a bland message stating, ‘Mum sends her love.’

  • This one session today reminded me of how lucky I am to have found this window to the spirit world. Such a rich source of inspiration to help me in my spiritual path through this life.


Session transcribed on Tuesday 30th January 2024 at 02:10 am

Good day to you. There is a song with the lyric, "Life is always the best alternative." You might want to look that up. The line is quite confusing at first. But what the writer was trying to suggest was when someone is feeling unsure, or depressed, or even insecure, the alternative is always going to be to appreciate your life.

The human tendency is to take life for granted, because it appears to always be there. That is true of course, even for us over our side. But there are countless things being offered by life that are reasons to appreciate it.

Do you recall when you were younger and you actually took time to smell the beauty of the spring air? Do you recall the simple joy it gave you when you smelled the fresh rain in the air? Of course you do. And if you, and everyone that reads my words, were to take a few moments in thought, each of you would be able to draw up a list of those free gifts from life itself.

Often, when people take the time to reminisce about the past, they do so with fondness, as they remember those good old days. Well, now is the time to create them for tomorrow.

For some people, this all seems too simplistic to take seriously. But ask yourself, what was wonderful about yesterday that you recall? How did you make it memorable? The chances are you can't answer those questions. Why? Because you didn't take the time to observe them.

Every day of your life contains something of value. Value is worth, and worth is an asset to your life.

Can you start to appreciate now that your life is filled with assets of worth? Every one of your senses are ready to deliver those moments of appreciation . Use your eyes to see beyond what is visible. Your ears to listen beyond the noise. Your nose to detect the fragrances you're ignoring. Your touch to appreciate the sensual fabrics and materials around you.

Yes, life is indeed rich with assets for you and all to appreciate. Life has a purpose when your purpose is life.

I hope you've got something from this philosophy I share with you. God is with you in many forms. Enjoy your life. It is the best alternative.



written on Saturday 13th April 2024
73 days after the session was transcribed

I searched Google with the line suggested by the speaker as a song lyric, but after a few minutes of looking, I couldn’t find a song with it in. I suspect I would find a song if I devoted more time to it. It’s such a poetic and poignant line. For me, the entire message is one filled with inspiration. (read announcement below)


🔷 I hold one memory of when I was young and always in the nearby countryside. I recall realising at one time that I could actually smell spring. I detected the freshness in the air and the fragrances in the air of the sunny season.

🔷 What an incredibly important message that it is, about appreciating the ‘assets’ we are blessed with every day.

🔷 I thought this message was so powerful that it inspired me to add the following line to my daily To-Do/Diary – “The best memory from yesterday:”

"Every day of your life contains something of value. Value is worth, and worth is an asset to your life."


I was so inspired by this message that I will produce a complete TIS based on this message. In it, you’ll be able to hear my song, created especially with the lyric “Life is Always The Best Alternative.” You’re going to love it!

One Response

  1. I really loved this Philosophy too Trevor. I can actually remember yesterday as it was an unusual one for me, I had been invited to go with 2 other Ladies from a Flower Club I attend to see someone do an extremely interesting talk about some plants in the morning and it was followed by a wonderful demonstration of Flower Arranging in the afternoon! This resonates with me and the more my life goes on the more I am taking note of “what’s going on, and am appreciating my assets!” A very poignant message from your Spirit Friend. I also think your favourite line from the Session is also my favourite line. Thanks to your Spirit Friend and yourself for this very meaningful reminder.

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

There are four important areas of spiritual unfoldment:
The Use Of The Words
The Power of Thought

They need to become parts of our natural life and empower our spiritual potential through this.



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.