The Jason Goldsworthy Recordings

Jason Goldsworthy


Accredited Spiritualist Medium 

Jason has taken his abilities with the spirit to many countries across the world. His trust in his connection with the other side has led him to help others with their development and nowadays he enjoys the challenge of teaching students. 

Jason is proud that he has been mentored by some of the finest mediums in the UK, including Paul Jacobs & Mavis Pitilla. 

EP033: The Jason Goldsworthy Story Part 1
  • 1
    EP033: The Jason Goldsworthy Story Part 1
  • 2
    EP034: The Jason Goldsworthy Story Part 2
  • 3
    PC17: Trust In Mediumship with Jason Goldsworthy
  • 4
    EP49: Let’s Talk Relationships with Jason & Ursula Goldsworthy

Jason’s playlist includes his full story over two parts, followed by two podclass episodes.

Podclass episodes are designed for learning. Jason and his wife Ursula, recorded two podclasses. The first podclass with Jason covers the subject of trust in mediumship and includes practical examples.

The second podclass covers the important topic of relationships, particularly when one of a couple is working with the spirit world away from home. Jason and Ursula discuss the need for a balanced lifestyle.



Hosted by Trevor, the interview podcasts were first released in April 2020 during the global pandemic. The final interview podcast was in February 2022.

Other styles of podcast are continuing to be produced occasionally.

The collection have been listened to by over 300,00 listeners across the world in over sixty countries and states.

Most of the podcasts remain available from many of the top podcast apps, including Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and many more including Amazon’s Alexa devices.

Simply ask, “Alexa. Play Spirited Talk Podcasts.”


Please Note

Some of the links and promotions within these audio podcasts may have changed since the recordings were originally produced. However the sentiments and main content is as relevant now as ever.

What Is A Podclass?

The word ‘podclass’ was devised by Trevor for Spirited Talk in 2020 and was used to define the learning podcasts. Selective guests were chosen to share their classroom style lessons, using Trevor as the student.

Many of these podcasts are now only available to the Spirited Talk Envoys on this website.