|| This summary written on 17th January 2024
In the following session, the speaker makes a point of telling me that I’m not ready to bring a communication from someone in particular in spirit, using my writing as the method.
I had been seriously thinking of perhaps being able to write the spoken words of a friend’s wife in spirit. In other words, like a direct link and allowing her to speak to my mind. But the speaker today, who must be aware of what I’d planned, suggested that this is not yet possible, because I am not yet ready to. The speaker also continues to explain why the lady wouldn’t just yet be able to.
At first, I was a bit miffed to hear that, but that was because my ego was kicking in. Deep inside myself I actually agreed with the speaker. Though my transcribing is still a form of mediumship, the usual method of voicing the communications relies on a more active mind, and the ability to adjust the wording as messages are heard.
Every time in the past that a speaker in spirit has started to use me to relay direct and personal messages to others this side, my own medium mind wants to take over too much. Understand, that would dilute the pureness of the message.
Another topic that this speaker today is referring to needs some explanation here. A while ago, you may recall that a speaker suggested that I should sit for my higher Self to be able to communicate with me. It was suggested that I should allow myself to attune only to my own spirit and listen to the truth about my own journey on earth, what it was I would need to work on and everything I needed to hear.
Honestly, I was frightened by that idea, and chose not to pursue the suggestion. There are at least a couple of reasons why. One, I don’t think I would feel comfortable listening to my own words, which in some respects they would be. Two, I’m not entirely convinced I could actually do it without my own ‘daily’ mind taking over. So I put that suggestion on the back burner for now.
But the speaker today has re-ignited the suggestion and perhaps I should respond. The problem is, I don’t believe I’m ready to.
The message from the speaker today is fully aimed at me and for the benefit of my own growth.
I don’t mean to be critical of mediums when I suggest we can manipulate words as we speak them aloud. I do it, and I know every medium does too. We form sentences we speak aloud and we use our own vocabulary often. This might be different to that of the communicator and therefore tints the message. Writing, on the other hand, is more pure and can’t be changed so easily.
We sometimes feel you sit for us to share with you secrets of the great universe and the divide between our existences. My friend, you are old and wiser than you might believe yourself to be.
Your knowledge, combined with your strength, has been your resolve. Yes strength is important. An inner strength that is needed to sustain you and keep you invigored to seek higher paths.
I wanted to mention a little about your recent thinking. You believed you should sit with your pen and allow your inner voice to share some words. I commend you on doing so. That would be a useful exercise for you. But may I say that if you intend to make the words public for others to read, be warned, your inner spirit voice will say it as it is and you might feel uncomfortable with making it entirely available to a public environment.
Perhaps you could extract some pieces of the text. Your inner voice is your higher Self and it contains no filters. But I think it would be an interesting exercise.
Now, I wanted to follow up on another subject you've been giving thought to. Your friend's wife, Sue, that passed over here a little while ago. You thought you might connect with your pen and pass messages back from her.
Although that is entirely possible, I'm of the opinion that you've not advanced enough to do it with the purity needed. Too much of your own mediumship technique would get in the way.
Sue is also not in any position where she could maintain the levels of energy she would need to use during the process. It's too bold an ambition for you at this time. I do admire your progressive thinking though.
One of the reasons that the information a medium receives is fragmented occasionally can be the fault of the person in this world. Their ability to produce pure words can take time to re-evolve as to how it was on earth. You see, words are not the first language of communication this side. In fact, they are often the last resort.
We express ourselves in a richer and broader method. Our vibrational state is much higher than that of earth humans. So we can think faster and on many levels and dimensions. You often hear your mediums saying "slow down" when they are connected to someone this side. That person is most likely already slowed, but the vibrational difference is not easy to overcome.
Anyway me friend, go ahead with your notion to listen to your higher voice. It would be good for you. I've had a blast talking with you today.
Sunday 17th January 2024
37 days after the session was transcribed
The sentiments of today’s session were aimed at me personally. I appreciated the explanation regarding using this writing as a form of direct communication with someone reasonably new to the spirit world. It makes sense to me, especially when you remember that most communications brought forward by a medium are relayed through a spirit connect, or gatekeeper as is commonly termed.

🔷 I don’t want to sit and write the words of my own higher Self. Perhaps I’m not ready to trust enough, or deep enough with my sittings to allow it to happen. So I’m afraid, this notion may remain on the shelf for a while longer.
🔷 That’s a point of clarity, where the speaker says why some mediums on earth ask their connect to the spirit world to slow down at times.
🔷 There are particular words used by this speaker that, although I’m aware of them, I would not have chosen to use. For example, the use of “invigor”, which I spelt wrong in the notes transcription and amended for this publication. I’ve never written that word before, until this session.
“Words are not the first language of communication this side. In fact, they are often the last resort.“
This article was originally published on the Spirited Talk Substack channel and transferred to this site: 141124
series 4
7th – 18th December 2023