|| This summary written on Thursday 18th October 2024

The hot topic in my path at this time is related to knowledge, learning, unfolding and developing. Is there a reason for this topic being forefront in everything I do at this time?

Glyn Edwards once said to a group of us students, “The more I learn, the more I realise there is more to learn. More than I will learn in this lifetime.” How true I have found that statement to be, and on that basis I refuse ever to deny I am just a student! But learning is more than just reading theory from books or learning from tutors. It’s a way of life that is now ingrained in me.

Because I take my spiritualist education quite seriously, I’m open to learning anything any time, even when I’m just people-watching on holiday, a favourite pastime for many others on holiday. Just in the act of observing someone, I learn so much about that person. My business involves people, after all! I’m reminded of the two lumberjacks’ story. 

They had a bet with each other as to which one of them could chop a tree down the fastest. Normally, it would take around an hour for a tree to be felled. The challenger set the challenge in motion and immediately started swinging his axe at the tree. He developed a rhythm and was pushing himself to the limits so he could beat his mate!

Meanwhile his mate remained sat down, sharpening his axe with his stone and seemingly in no hurry. The challenger noticed and without stopping the swing of his axe, asked his mate why he wasn’t working on his tree yet. 

This continued for forty-five minutes. The one lumberjack just sat on the ground sharpening his axe, while the other lumberjack was making excellent progress. He was more than halfway through the tree and appeared confident he was going to win. Meanwhile the seated lumberjack continued to sharpen his axe, with not a worry in the world.

The lumberjack swinging away was becoming tired. Every swing of his axe was getting harder and harder. He was determined to beat his mate and, for all intents and purposes, believed he had this win in the bag!

For fifty minutes, the seated lumberjack sat quietly sharpening his axe when suddenly he rose to his feet, took a position by his tree, smiled at his tired mate, and started swinging his axe. The axe was so sharp, it made light work of the tree. In under a minute, he was more than halfway through the tree when the tired lumberjack realised he was being caught. A minute later and the lazy lumberjack’s tree fell to the ground, to the astonishment of the busy lumberjack.

The moral of that story is about the importance of preparation, planning & knowledge. That is how I believe having a good education of our subject will help us in the long term. 

Our speaker in this session has chosen to study the topic of how we educate ourselves and makes some interesting claims in this message.

  • Usually, within a few minutes of talking with someone I can deduce whether they are in a learning mode or a know-it-all mode.


Session transcribed onWednesday 22nd May 2024 at 02:15 am

Hello. The thing that interests me is the way that people, your side and here, seek knowledge. I have studied this for some time and have realised some interesting factors.

For me, I see knowledge as the oil of the engine. It's essential for smooth motion of all the parts. The quality of the oil is therefore essential, as is the quality of the knowledge one acquires.

I have learned that some people, especially those living on earth are satified to use any oil for their engine. What I'm saying is that these people seek only the knowledge that is sufficient to satify their curiosity. These few will accept anything as fact, even when the source is only hearsay. Others take their knowledge from a bias source, resulting in inaccuracies being present. Their temporary thirst for knowledge is quenched with anything that appears to satisfy.

Then there are others that take time to find their knowledge - too much time. When they discover the truth of what it is they wish to learn, they refuse to accept it and continue to search aimlessly. Occasionally they choose to accept an alternative answer to the truth, because they like it more.

There are some seekers of knowledge that, when discovering the facts, choose only to filter it to their liking. I have a fascination for this particular topic. It has helped me to understand human's nature more precisely. I have an interest in how we all tick. I started looking into this when I was living on earth and have continued here.

It started when I was a university student. I found myself questioning the teachers and the other students. I tested my work by making up facts based on a few possible truths, then sharing these made-up facts with fellow students. I was startled when, one day, a teacher quoted my fact to another student claiming it to be the answer. This got me questioning all the knowledge I had gained, how and when it had come from originally.

Even now, I listen to my friends, when they talk on a subject, and find myself deducing how much of what they share is really true.

I'm sharing this with you this day in the hope that you will always seek the truth in your knowledge, and when you know the answers are correct, accept them.

You have a phrase on earth that states 'knowledge is power' Indeed it is, But wrong knowledge, hearsay, lies, assumptions, guesses, estimates, and the like, act like poor oil in your engine.

Let me give you an example of something you believe is fact, that I know is not. You believe that your life is eternal. Only a part of that is true I'm afraid to tell you. A life is eternal, yes. But your life isn't. Your life, as you know it, now will only exist for a period of time. That period is immeasurable. Your soul will evolve, merge and blend with increasingly greater sources of life.

You want know it's happening because your personality will eventually become diluted in the greater whole. How do I know this? Because I have done my research since being here. It was during my interest in the acquisition of knowledge that I discovered the greater answers.

My message to you is to learn to recognise that not everything you hear is true. Yet much of what is dismissed as false may have truths within it.

I'm not expecting you to study the acquisition of knowledge as I have done, it would serve you no useful purpose, merely to entertain you. But I am expecting you to learn how to learn, to know how to know, and to feed your body, your mind, your engine, with quality oil.

Psychology should not be your interest, but the pursuit of good knowledge should be, particularly in your work with understanding the great mysteries of our two worlds.

Thank you for allowing me to air my views, my learned student.

Safe travels.


Thursday 18th October 2024
148 days after the session was transcribed

The leaders and opinion makers in the spiritualist movement are always talking about the importance of education, so it’s wonderful to hear the opinions of those in the spirit world as well. An interesting take, don’t you think?


🔷 This speaker successfully explains how important knowledge acquisition is, whilst constantly questioning its validity. If we want to avoid too much un-learning, we should always question what we’re told as fact.

🔷 Right in the middle of this message, the speaker drops in a bombshell. Life is not eternal after all! Or at least not as we believe it to be. There’s a great topic for research.

🔷 This speaker had a fascinating approach to the topic of education. But they also revealed how much they have studied for their own advancement too.

"My message to you is to learn to recognise that not everything you hear is true. Yet much of what is dismissed as false may have truths within it."

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"Before you can touch the Spirit, you must find it within yourself. For all truth, for all knowledge and all love, must be found first within oneself. And the Spirit can never touch you, and bring love and peace within your being and from your being, until you have found it for yourself.  And before you can build a picture of love from the Spirit, you must learn to find it in this life.  For visualisation is leading you to vision itself. For words and music are there for you to find, in moments, an answer; something that’s for you, to live our life in truth. When you have passed through those experiences, then offer yourself to the Spirit. Not before.  Always prepare yourself as a channel for the Spirit that’s passed through experiences that’s held you tremendously strong. No matter what despair, no matter what misfortune, you stand there with love still radiating from you. Then God will touch you. You will have been chosen then as a channel for the Great Spirit."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.