Future Predictions Need Care

Burning Earth

This article was originally posted in October 2022. When transferring it to this website in April 2024, some of the original wording was changed to align with the author’s current views.

By the nature of the communication, mediums often receive insights into forthcoming events according to the timeline at that moment. These can be anything from family matters to major world events and anything in between.

The simple dismiss is the most common prediction that some mediums allocate to messages that the recipient cannot understand at that moment. Here’s an example I recently used in a one-to-one private reading.

“I’m being made aware that you’re researching your family tree. George (the person I’m connected to), is telling me that you’ll find Jean in the mother line.”

That example contains a prediction that cannot be validated at that moment. It’s an acceptable part of a reading, so long as it’s used sparingly. However, predicting a major event that will happen in the future is not the best practice, especially when concerning deaths or health issues.

Here’s a commonly asked question about a medium’s work: “Do people in spirit share with mediums news of future events and if so, should the medium share them with the recipient without filtering?”

The answer to the first part of the question is an absolute yes. Near-future predictions are common and most mediums will receive them during their connection to the spirit world. However, it is important that the medium uses great care and judgement before relaying these predictions word-for-word to the recipient.

All mediums should operate a code of ethicacy with their work. Rarely, for example, are mediums informed of deaths. But if they are made aware by their spirit communicator, the medium should not pass it on. As ambassadors representing the world of spirit and mediumship, mediums should always be aware of their duty of responsibility.

Whether it’s a forthcoming event or a piece of information pertaining to the here and now, the medium should never share anything that would lead to a negative or unhelpful reaction from the recipient.

Some mediums connect to the spirit world for personal guidance, help and support, away from the public ears. As part of my routines, I frequently sit in private to connect with the spirit world. Some of those communications can be read in my WFSIW series.

The following future prediction I received in August 2022 is documented in the WFSIW library.

The spirit communicator warned me of a forthcoming major passing that would occur soon on Earth. I was told of the passing of the Queen (about 1 month before it happened). I was told of the ‘energy change’ that would bring peace across our land because of this sad event.

I worried about sharing the words publicly with my readers because I felt uncomfortable with doing so. However, I decided to remain honest and continue to share everything for the purpose of education.

At the same time, I was told that Putin would soon be surrendering, though in a way that he would not be seen as a loser or giving up. My spirit communicator advised peace and normality would return to the earth six months after he had backed down.

The spirit world will occasionally share information with us about something forthcoming. But not everything they predict is necessarily going to come to fruition. Sometimes, the information they share is based on a timeline path we are currently following. But something might change that path, or bigger events might change the circumstances before the event occurs.

In my example above, the first prediction was spot on, and sadly, the Queen passed away in September 2022. But the predicted surrender or step-down of the Russian president didn’t happen. 

After I published the Queen prediction, I showed concern in my summary of the information. It sat a little uncomfortably with me. More importantly, I was concerned that I was opening myself up for negative feedback from others who may not understand or appreciate my personal bond with the communicators in the spirit world.

Shortly after the Queen passed, I wrote a follow-up article about the prediction and shared some concerns about receiving this information. I received an extensive comment from a reader. After reading their comment, I contacted them and asked her permission to use the comment in this article. She approved.

These are her words.

I can understand how you feel about predicting future events Trevor. I heard the Queen is dead long live the King. I looked at the clock. It said 3.15 pm. It was my father’s voice on the 8th of September. I mentioned it to my husband D, who is also a medium, so he is used to us both getting this kind of communication.

However, 3 nights before, I dreamt of seeing King George V1 looking worried, then the Queen Mother’s grave expression also. I saw Prince Philip looking like he did before his death then as a young man, like he was when he married the Queen. Then he was holding out his two hands towards someone. I didn’t actually see the Queen or anyone else in the dream.

I woke up and felt a very strong sense that the Queen was going to pass soon. Unusual for me to dream about the Royal family in the first place. I told D., but no one else, as it was a dream not a direct spirit message.

There hadn’t been any cause for concern in the media at the time of my dream. I didn’t want to sound like a doomsday almanac to my friends and therefore said nothing. When it was announced, D. said “you were right about the Queen passing dear.”

I said, “Well it was a dream and not too sure how I feel about that dream even!”

The Queen was 96 years of age, and it was from natural causes. But still I felt uncomfortable knowing what was going to happen. Interestingly, I was raised a monarchist and up to now I haven’t lived with any other Monarch on the throne. I felt a great sadness, mainly for the Royal family who had lost not just their Queen but a mother only 18 months after the loss of their father Prince Philip.

When it comes to future events do we want to know? As mediums are we worried about the prediction not coming true and people reminding us we were wrong? Do we tell people because it’s in their best interests? Or are we influencing their decision making and free will to make their own minds up?

I am still sitting on the fence a bit at the moment on that one. Yesterday, I was reading a journal entry I had previously written back to my husband, D. In it, the spirit (mainly my Dad) had dictated the night before, about Putin and very similar to what you have written yourself Trevor.

As I was reading it D. asked,” Are you supposed to be getting this information?”

An interesting point as it was my own Dad telling me and I never thought to question that aspect before. It is the kind of conversation we would have been having if Dad was still down here in his human body.

Your predictions are very natural and normal. . . . Any feedback will be appreciated.

J. (name withheld)

The word ‘predictions’ has negative connotations when used around our work with the spirit world. This has been exasperated by mediums using them as ‘cop-outs’ for unclear messages. But they do happen and would be better referred to as ‘foresight’. The responsibility remains with the medium to use tact, diplomacy and common sense when deciding whether to give the foresight a voice.

I’m also an enthusiastic reader of the Tarot cards. Predicting future events regarding the reading is part of the process. Along with many other readers, I always state that a reading is based on the current direction of someone’s timeline. I point out that something might happen that shifts that timeline rendering the tarot prediction as incorrect.

Here’s an example of such an ‘incorrect’ prediction:

“You are going to get an opportunity to travel away from home to a university in a distant town.”

Unbeknown to the reader, the sitter had wanted to go to a local university, but there were no places available. So the sitter was quite happy to receive this news from the tarot reader. Shortly after the reading, a local university contacted the sitter offering a place locally that had just become available.

Was the tarot reader wrong? Based on the timeline at the time of the reading, no. There is some questioning as to why the tarot couldn’t have seen the events as they were to pan out. Equally, this is true in mediumship. But to try to answer that is beyond me and may require an understanding of the motion of events that is beyond my knowledge.

The premise of this article was to clarify that mediums do occasionally become aware of future events. It is upon the medium whether any such insights are shared. Remaining professional and schtum where possible is far more important than inflating a personal ego as the bringer of unknown events.


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Find a moment to sit or lie down somewhere comfortably.

Close your eyes and bring your attention to your body.

Tighten as many muscles as you can and hold for a few seconds before slowly releasing the tension.

Mentally scan your body and observe how all the areas feel. Now visualise a calming blue wave of light and energy passing through your body, removing stress and tension as it passes through.

Continue with your day, now more relaxed and destressed.