This session transcription was originally published on Substack, nearer the date it was created. This updated archive version includes an update of all the content other than the transcription.
|| This summary written on 21st January 2025
Although I’ve been involved with inspired writing for a long time, I remain conscious that, over time, my depth of connection has improved. So when I revisit previous sessions from my archives, I read them with a critic’s attitude.
For me, it’s a more straightforward process of deducing how much of the session’s content could have come from my mind and how much was likely purely from the connected speaker. I get a thrill when I believe the session stands up, even after months have passed, in which time I have evolved more.
One primary reasons for choosing this form of communication from the spirit world was to receive personalised lessons about my growth and unfoldment. In this session, originally transcribed in October 2022, the speaker gives me advice on a topic that, at that time, had concerned me. I was going through a personal crisis and had lost my way in life. I had started to give too much thought to ending it all, taking my own life as a way of escaping.
Of course, it’s one thing to fantasise such dark thoughts and quite another to turn them into reality. I’m not convinced I was strong enough, or brave enough, to follow through with my dark thoughts. None the less, thoughts are thoughts and the speaker in this session had picked up on their presence.
Before we consider the stability of my mental state, let me assure you that many mediums have tough times in their proverbial journey. It’s not always easy. We learn to cope in the best ways we can. Understand also that during this time of my life, I was using all of my savings to invest in my online work and podcasts and receiving little or no rewards. I was broke, confused, and believing I was a loser.
Generally, I’m a positive person, maintaining an upbeat attitude about the life I have been given. An old saying goes, “To enjoy the view from the hills, best you spend some time in the valleys.“
Every one of us has dark thoughts at times during our life. To handle them, the best attitude is to not give them room to fester for too long. There is always something better ahead.
transcribed on Friday 28th October 2022 at 01:27 am
Good evening again. You were drawn to this connection through your own enthusiastic desires this evening. Your mind knew you wanted to connect and that is wonderful for both of us.
I want to address the issues you’ve been experiencing again and perhaps some insights to help you through. You would do well to make sure to remember that because it contains the solution in the words.
Dark thoughts need the light of the Divine to banish them from the shadows. They cannot exist in the light, in the same way you cannot be depressed and laugh with intent.
Your sensitivity has always made you vulnerable to those changes of thought. We’ve mentioned before though how quickly you usually change your emotional state to a positive one.
You’ve chosen the written word as your tool for connectivity with us. This is wonderful, for it means you’re writing after you’ve listened to us. Few people really use their time to hear the voice of spirit.
Of course, I also know that you share your written works with an audience. For that reason, I don’t refer to the subject of your darker thoughts. You know what they are, as do I. Some of those dark thoughts are the result of your expectations from your readers. Their silence often hurts you. But it should not be of concern to you how others react as they do. The conversations are between us and you have chosen to share them with others. Of course, we approve of you doing so because of the opportunities it offers us as well to share our bigger messages.
Tonight you received a pleasant surprise when one of your readers send you a rather large donation for your work. This should show you how your work is being appreciated by the reader. She values your work enough to gift you for it. That, I know, has renewed your faith in what you’re doing.
We were blessed by the words you wrote regarding how much you have learnt from us since doing this writing. It is so good that you recognise the lessons we’ve shared. You must surely appreciate how strong our relationship has grown through this work. You have developed a useful portal for our communication with you through your spirit.
In those few moments between that previous sentence and this one, you tried so hard to visualise me as a person. I’m sorry I did not help you with that. I believe it would be too much of a distraction for you now. What I look like and who I am would only distract you from the power of the communication. I do not blame you for trying though! I probably would if I were where you are.
You were reminded of that film with Whoopi Goldberg called ‘Jumping Jack Flash’, where the two never met until the time was right. We’re the same. When the time is right, you’ll get more visions.
Thank you for joining me on this occasion. I leave you now in peace.
written at the time of this archive presentation
- When I examine these sessions, I look for words and phrases that probably didn’t originate from my daily mind. There are several such phrases in this session that appear in that category. For example, the way this speaker compares dark thoughts with the need for them to be lit by the light of the Divine.
- The grammar and sentence patterns are mine, but the words that make the sentences are not. Remember, the spirit have to use our memory as part of the process. That said, the deeper the connection, the less these aspects play a part.
- This conversation feels personal as if the person is close to me and knows my personality. The speaker is aware that a part of my mind is thinking outside of the connection and they bring it into the conversation, as you can read with the Whoopi Goldberg reference towards the end of the session.
“Dark thoughts need the light of the Divine to banish them from the shadows. They cannot exist in the light, in the same way you cannot be depressed and laugh with intent.”
These newly branded Spirit Insights, from 2025 onwards, will be only available to the Spirited Talk Envoys for the first 2 months after publishing before being made public.
One Response
Thank you Trevor and your Spirit Friend for this very frank session it has come at just the right time for me, I have been feeling a bit melancholy (good word) and have been reminding myself of my many blessings and of God’s Love, plus doing Positive Affirmations and Meditating which all seem to be helping lift my mood. So thank you both once again. x