Cautiously Hopeful
|| this summary was written on Sunday 3rd March 2024
I’d forgotten about this session, that is until converting it for today’s session. Forgive me for not being overly excited about it though!
I have a dilemma with it. I’m not entirely convinced that this session wasn’t entirely a work of my mind, created by my daily imagination. If any one of us were to write down what we think a parent might say to us from the spirit world, it would most likely be similar to the words in this session.
One of the previous times when I heard from my father from the spirit world, he shared concise and wonderful evidence of his continuing life. He knew that I would settle for nothing less. But in this conversation today, he offers nothing other than a few small-talk sentences.
The dilemma is that I don’t want to dismiss this message as not being from him, for fear of seeming like I’m rejecting him. I want it to be his words, but there’s little or nothing in the conversation for me to grasp.
When there are two communicators in a connection, as there are in this one, I always believe that if one of the conversations contains something evidential, there should be little doubt that the other communicator is accurate too. But both of these speakers today offer nothing of evidence. I’m therefore concluding that this communication was too controlled by my active imagination.
Of course, I don’t expect my father to have to produce earth-shattering evidence every time he wants to speak to me, but I do need the conversation to have something of substance and at the very least, sound like him.
about the writing
additional notes for this session
The Process
This session contains questions that were sent to my partner’s email address.
At the time of sitting for this session, my partner wrote the questions onto this notepad prior to me sitting.
I did not know who sent the questions until after this session was complete.
The process of reading the questions and commencing writing is continuous.
This session was transcribed during a stay in Lanzarote in December 2023.
4th series of Lanzarote sessions.
"Hello son, Frank here, your father."
"What are you doing here? Are you my speaker for the day?"
"I could be! I'm not though. I just popped in to let you know me and your mum are doing well and enjoying life."
"Should I be writing this down?"
"You could do, though I've nothing much to say. We have a big family here, as you know, so there's always people to see and things to do."
"Thank you for dropping by."
"We'll speak again soon. Son, I'm proud of you and we love you still."
Your dad popped by and wanted to just say hello. I hope you didn't mind? Was that a nice surprise?
I'm being told to tell you that tomorrow's date is a special one. I don't know why, I haven't been told, and by the feel of your mind's activity, you don't know either. I'm sure you'll find out.
Jane's awareness has blossomed, don't you think? She is picking up on all the signs being sent to her. They're meant to share love with her from those on this side.
Can you see how one person's love of working with us can rub off on those around them? But Trevor, it's not just your loved ones, such as Jane, and your closest friends. But it's on everyone that you connect with on earth. Your enthusiasm is addictive. I'm often shocked at how some people on Earth so preciously want to progress their talents in this work, yet don't seem to want to put the effort in.
Time might appear unending, but really, it is passing by faster than one can imagine. Several nights you've watched the sun disappear on the horizon, as it dips into the sea and is gone. You've actually watched it moving, sinking with your very own eyes. You wondered why it was moving so fast. It has moved at that speed for millions of years and generations of your family have watched the daily ritual.
You even said goodbye to the sun the other day, and thanked it for the heat and light. Now you're cooking with gas, as we used to say. That is how to appreciate your life.
There is a lot planned for you in your coming year, so I do hope you stay alert and ready to progress. Your mind has just wandered away. Learn to stay more focused. I know you are in a place of distraction, so I'll forgive you.
You wrote of the miracles you've been part of this past year. Indeed that is so. Referring to our messages from your loved ones as miracles is perfectly acceptable. It's a shame many others don't appreciate them as miracles. Sometimes being a medium is a thankless task. And yet other times it is the most incredible gift of life. That's how I used to see it.
Well. thank you for letting me use you today. I hope I'll come back again soon. I hope my message today serves to show others that the conversations between our two worlds don't always have to be so formal.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Bye bye.
written on Sunday 3rd March 2024
75 days after the session was transcribed
There is nothing wrong with sitting to write messages from the spirit world and allowing yourself to write what comes into your mind. That is the basis of this exercise anyway. But being realistic about the message source is important, and my experience suggests there was very little spirit-inspired content in this message today.

🔷 The date suggested as important, 19th December, had no significance to Jane or myself. I had hoped that during the checking for this summary, it would be connected with something, so I could give some foundation to this message. However, the date means nothing to us.
🔷 After many years of transcribing for the world of spirit, those concerned there would know I have a minimum standard of content and this session fell short.
🔷 It is always worthwhile sitting and writing the thoughts of the mind, but they’re not always going to be anything other than your daily thoughts. This one qualifies as just that.
“Time might appear unending, but really, it is passing by faster than one can imagine..”