|| This summary written on Sunday 7th September 2024
What is the world coming to? If it’s not hard enough keeping up with the changing governments, the technological advancements and the climate issues, we now have to get our heads around non-binary genders!
The challenge facing us all today is living in a society that wants to claim to be ‘woke’. What a terrible phrase that has become. Worse still, it represents people who want to be considered equal individuals with opinions they want everyone to accept. Often, they believe their ideas and notions are the only ones worth expressing.
Don’t get me started! I could rant about this all day and in all I would achieve is to reduce the oxygen levels even further! Equality has never existed with any life on earth. It can’t be, and it never will be. Why we can’t accept that plain and obvious rule of nature frustrates the hell out of me!
I’m not sure what state of mind I must have had at the time this session was transcribed, but it’s clear to read that the speaker was aware of it. They didn’t wake me at four in the morning to talk though, that’s on me. But as soon as I did waken, I knew I had to grab my notebook and transcribe the speaker’s message.
Perhaps I was hoping for a different angle on their chosen topic. But all that the session speaker proved is in reminding me how much I have to learn to grow. But that’s true for all of us and our proverbial societies.
I can’t accept that it’s okay for someone to expect me to believe they are non-binary or some other ludicrous notion that fits the ‘woke’ label. But here’s the thing – I don’t have to. Whether someone wants to believe they don’t have a gender, or they are more special than someone else is their expression, not mine. Nobody can change how I appreciate this life, only me. That is where this speaker is pitching their words.
Today’s message is another example of common sense words that should be categorised under the heading of ‘How To Change The World’. More specifically, your world.
Hello my friend. No, I did not waken you for this session, but I did know you would be connecting with us for this session. We are aware of your future events a little ahead of them occurring, but please, lets not go into the entire time debate again.
As you have observed over your previous weeks, there are many issues with your social communities that are not as they should be. Please concentrate on my voice, not your own.
Your world is one filled with progression at a rate faster than ever before for humankind. Technology is forcing these changes upon people, as you know with your Artificial Intelligence advancements. During these changes, some core aspects of your social structure are being challenged. The
non-binary uprising is one such trend that is questioning who you are as people. Your politicians and leaders are supposed to be upstanding leaders, yet act in their temporary power like detached individuals only wanting to benefit themselves. The fabric of your social structure is under strain.
But over the past few days I know you have also witnessed a few good people amongst the crowds that are living with better standards that some others. You've witnessed these few families where the children have been well-mannered and disciplined. It is these good people in the social community that will hold the structure together over time, while many of the others find their own position.
I won't comment on the non-binary issue, even though I know you want me to. Your opinions are too opposing for me to intervene. Suffice to say your world is changing and societies are having to adapt to change at an alarming rate due to the instabilities that exist.
Every generation believes that the previous one was better. All of your life, your parents and peers have compared the times of old as favourable over the current days. Now you and your generation are doing the same.
The aspect of life that humans and animals, and all living matter is capable of adapting to change. Change is the result of progression, and progression is the future. And as has always been the case in history, some people, especially the elderly amongst you, dont like change.
I, and other speakers, I am sure, will have mentioned to you on many occasions that
it is you who creates your future and your place in it. Your focus should be on finding your role and following it with passion. Take your guidance from carefully considered sources and grow stronger every moment through the personal journey you are on.
Remember, as we've always said, that everyone's individual view of the world reveals a different picture. Make your view one that satisfies your soul's intent.
That is enough for now. Thank you and farewell.
Saturday 7th September 2024
114 days after the session was transcribed
Given a choice of when to sit down and attune to the spirit world for their wise words, I would not choose the middle of the night! But on this occasion, I immediately knew I was supposed to take a message, even though it was 4 in the morning!

The speaker’s opening statements suggest that it is recognised that our modern society is changing at an alarming rate. The speaker uses the word ‘challenging’ to sum it up. You can say that again!
Comparing the original notes to the digitised ones will reveal a minor grammatical change in the middle of a message. My mind is needed to relay the message through and if it’s not entirely awake, or attuned, grammatical errors happen.
I think I’ve showed some personal change, particularly with where I believe I fit in personally. My online work proves that. I keep going in the direction I feel I need to through life. If it were wrong and I was off course, I’m confident that the spirit world would put me right.
"Make your view [of the world] one that satisfies your soul's intent