Spirit Insights



|| This summary originally written on 30th October 2023

I really enjoyed re-reading today’s session. Like so many of these spirit-inspired writing sessions, I cannot recall sitting for it, and I most certainly don’t remember transcribing the words.

I recall a tutor at Arthur Findlay College once telling us that we will not appreciate the communication of the spirit world until we acknowledge its presence. If we ask the spirit world to talk to us, and when they do, it falls on deaf ears, they will eventually seek alternative ways.

There’s a bit of a joke amongst people about this, though, that we have to move beyond. The lady who says to her friends that her late husband sent a sign in the form of a robin in her garden is often not taken seriously. She’s dismissed as being overly sentimental or unrealistic, and the evidence is immediately shunned aside by those around her.

Was the robin a sign, a communication from the other side? Who knows? Perhaps it was just a common bird that happened to choose her garden at that moment. On the other hand, if she had her husband in her mind at that moment and asked for a sign he was with her, then it is fair to accept the robin as a personal sign from him. Even if it wasn’t, does it matter? No. It brought her momentary comfort in the belief. On the other hand, if the robin was a sign sent by her husband, and she acknowledges it as such, the doors of communication possibilities are open to her to receive many more such communications.

This form of mediumship, which is what it is, is subtle. Not everything odd that happens is necessarily a sign from the other side. We have to be sensible about it.

Let me do a live experiment with you now. I am sitting at my desk in this sanctuary, preparing this edition. I’m writing these words on my computer screen. Let me pause for a moment or two as I now request that someone from my spirit team send me an immediate sign they are there with me. I will end this paragraph and pause.

It took three minutes to happen. The sign came in the form of a leaf that fell from the tree outside in the garden and stuck to the office window, some thirty feet apart. Now, I believe that was their way of saying, “We are here.” To you, though, was it just another leaf from the tree that is shedding leaves by the hundred at this time of year?

It’s a fine line! The more we ask, the more they will answer. But we must be prepared to accept their signs while staying somewhat grounded in our acceptance of assumptions.

  • The story in this session about the feather near the bird aviary was prompted by the communicator who knew I knew the example. It came to mind during the session and I knew it had to be included as a sentence.


Session transcribed on Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 2:00 pm

As you requested, I have given you the sign that I am here with you. Your awareness was excellent and I wondered if the action I took might go unnoticed or assigned by you to a bodily mechanic. Thank you.

That is the topic I'd like to share with you and your readers for this session. I believe other speakers this side might have talked about it in your past, but please allow me the space to share my words. The topic is about appreciating the subtle signs that we use and share with you all on earth to make our presence known.

Too much of the time people turn too quickly to their known science and physics to assimilate an answer as to why an event happens. But you must understand that we are governed to work within your scientific and natural laws when we create a physical connection with you. It is therefore easy to appreciate that our chosen method to connect with you will often be assignable to an earthly event by its very nature.

But when you open your mind and accept that there can be more than one reason something happens, or an event and incident occurs, you open a pathway for our connectivity to you.

Of course, I appreciate that if we send you a feather to confirm a message, it's quite useless if you're sat by a bird avery! We do have more common sense than you might give us credit for. We see your world largely as an energy, which we decode. But at times we get it wrong. We always find this rather amusing.

I could share with you many examples of when this has happened to me. Here's one such incident that occurred recently in your time. I was attempting to communicate through a medium serving in one of your churches. In his mind, he asked me to give him a sign that I was there. I decided to attempt to flicker a table light that was alight and on a table behind the congregation.

As I focused my attention on the light, a member from the church chose to get up and turn it off, right when I was about to! I did manage to switch it back on, to which the person immediately turned it off again. Of course, the medium was too busy in thought to appreciate I'd done that and it had lined up in error with a human interaction.

So my message to you today is simple. When you ask us to give you a sign of our presence, we are usually all too keen to oblige. We do have to work within the framework of your rules though. Open your mind to all possibilities for that subtle sign.

Today, you asked for a sign. I knew where your fingers were and that you allowed me to amplify your natural pulse, so much that you felt it. Thankfully, you were alert and ready to accept it was a result of my actions.

The more you heighten all of your senses, including every event that is happening around you, when you request our intervention, the more likely it is you will accept our initial connection.

Let that be a lesson to all your readers. I've enjoyed this opportunity to communicate through your pen. I feel the energy created from the words as you transcribe them. It is very exciting. Thank you so much and please do enjoy the rest of your day.

I will give you a subtle sign as an example when you're at the eating house you chose for tonight's meal.



0:00 / 0:00
We Communicate


written on 30th October 2023
40 days after the session was transcribed

One might suggest there’s nothing new in this session. You might believe you already knew the sentiments of the message. I know I did. But being reminded of the message is good. We live our lives as if covered in a heavy cloak, made from the reality of our daily lives. So for the spirit communicator to remind us that their communications with us are often subtle is more vital than we might at first realise. We need to get naked with our sensitivity – if you get what I mean.

🔷 Someone once said to me, “To know and not to do is no better than not knowing.” When you understand that sentence, you realise that it is appropriate for today’s message.

🔷 I wonder when the last time you sat and asked someone on your spirit connect team to send you a sign of their presence. Did you give up after nothing obvious happened? Did you try and try again? Did you widen your expectations about how that validation might come?

🔷 I love messages like this one. Not because they are often repetitive and not new to me, but instead because they are the absolute basics of our communications with the other side. And for that reason, we constantly need reminding.

"Open your mind to all possibilities for that subtle sign.“


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"I believe the term ‘gifted’ is too lightly used in respect of artists. Only one in every million or so can be truly said to be gifted. The rest of us are craftsmen with different degrees of skill."

Mark Linley - How To Draw Anything


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.