Change Of Direction

For over a decade, I’ve produced online content regarding my mediumship development and unfoldment. I couldn’t imagine how many words I’d written over that time. Probably enough to fill several books!  Bringing it all together in this one website is, without doubt, the biggest challenge I’ve ever undertaken.

A few days ago, I reached the government’s official retirement age. I’ve worked hard all of my life, and I’m excited by the thought of being able to slow down a little. Over recent years, I’ve tried to encourage funds from the readers in the hope of recouping some of my costs. But times are tough for all of us and my efforts have, as good as, failed to create an interest.

When I was a student of mediumship I was enthusiastic about learning. I would have welcomed such as site as this one to accompany my learning. Nowadays, information is easily found all over the internet, much of it free of cost. So it’s not a surprise to me that nobody wants to pay a small fee for information they can get elsewhere.

One of the most time-consuming aspects of building this website from scratch was integrating a membership system. It took many weeks of struggling, learning, failing and repairing, to get something that worked. Over the past few weeks I’ve spent time wondering if it was worth it. I’ve only managed to gain interest from a handful of generous followers and it’s not likely to get any better.

The problem with only having those few paying subscribers is with the membership content: It’s only being read by those few people. So I’ve decided to scrap the membership scheme. All the content on this website is now free to everyone to read.

If I continued to create this content for another decade, nothing would likely change. Now that everything is accessible to everyone, perhaps my work might be read by more people. Who knows, this might open new opportunities in the future. I know for certainty that my methods of raising funds have failed miserably so far, so it makes sense to make changes.

That’s basically what this update was about – the shelving of the membership scheme. Envoys are a thing of the past! The knock-on benefit of doing this is that I now have no reason to be working tight schedules at the expense of time spent elsewhere other than my office. Of course, I will continue to create new content. I will continue to bring all of my previous work to this one final website.

I’ve always preferred to create interest in my work organically—that is, without promoting or advertising it. So, this new approach suits me well. I am considering placing ‘Donation’ requests across this website, but based on my previous experiences when using this method, it receives little interest from visitors. 

The Spirited Talk project has always been evolving, and I consider my latest changes to be part of that process. 

One Response

  1. Hello there Trevor 👋
    If you don’t mind me saying I think you are looking back and feeling unsupported previously or appreciated, this is far from the case! I feel that I have always shown an interest and been grateful of all of the Work that you have done over these many years!
    I also have you to thank and Spirit for all of the content supplied over the time of COVID, before and after as well. Your dedication over the years has been exemplary and I value YOU plus also Jane, hoping we will remain friends now.
    Please don’t be so hard on yourself, if you don’t mind me saying you have always under valued yourself and time and have never felt able to promote yourself, which has been a shame. I am glad that you are now retired and not feeling the need to work to a schedule!
    You and Jane both deserve to be able to be more free to pursue your interest as well as keeping you fingers in the pie! (Strange comment I know)
    Wishing you all the very best, chin up and please appreciate yourself as much as some of us do!! “Happy Retirement” (as if that will ever happen!) Plus I had to sign in to comment even though there is no longer ENVOYS Love Ann x

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"Most of our troubles come from ignorance, and from lack of knowledge of how we all should live together wisely, happily and contented, free from sickness, poverty and war. As ignorance is the root of most misfortunes which beset us, nothing is more important than the increase of knowledge, because this leads to wisdom, the source of happiness."

Arthur Findlay