|| This summary originally written on 22nd October 2023
Amanda is a British born medium and subscriber to The Inspired Spirit, who has made her home in the United States. Just before we left for our latest adventures to Lanzarote Amanda contacted me. She wanted to know if I would be able to ask my spirit team to share some reassurances about her son, Ryan. As a caring mother, Amanda was wanting reassurance that her son was on a good path.
I responded to Amanda’s request with a reminder that the spirit world would not be prepared to share anything with me that was personal or deemed to be an invasion of Ryan’s privacy. I further suggested that I would put the question to the spirit team during one of my Lanzarote WFSIW sittings. Today’s session includes the words that were passed to me.
I’m reluctant to class this as a reading, even though it probably is. Let me explain why I feel different. When I’m connecting to spirit normally for a reading, a small part of my own imagination has to be part of the process. Like mediums do, I would interpret the thoughts and often reframe the words into a reference the recipient should understand. All mental mediums do this, it’s part of the process.
When I sat for Ryan words, I treated the session like any other inspired writing session. I wasn’t attuning for mediumship style connections, I was listening only to the speaker in spirit that chose to speak to me. The only rules I had suggested to the speaker was that I did not want to hear stuff that I might somehow have already known from previous conversations with Amanda.
Often, I try to explain that there are subtle differences between a standard style of doing a reading, and sitting for words of inspiration. Even so, of course inspired writing is a form of mediumship. For the purpose of inspired writing, I make a deliberate effort to stay out of the conversation and to only be listening and relaying word for word what is being shared with me.
I know! You correctly might suggest that this is mediumship, no matter how I describe it. But for me there is a subtle difference that I am aware of. It’s in how I don’t allow my mind to become active outside of just transcribing the words.
During the session below, there was a bit of a battle going on in my mind. I was listening to the speaker, who I was connected to as a normal medium connection, while at the same instant trying hard to not allow my own natural mediumship to take over.
No matter how hard I try to explain this to you, you would still be correct in stating that this is mediumship through and through. It is, but I am aware of a very subtle difference and that works for me, whether I’m correct or not, and honestly, whether you believe me or don’t!
29th July 2024: UPDATE. In the time that has passed since this session was transcribed and originally presented, I’ve learned more about how my energy when acting as an evidential medium is different from my energy when I’m suppressed for writing purposes. This area of the work remains a learning curve for me.
Good morning. You wanted to know a little about Ryan. Excuse me if I've got that name wrong, but that's what you were thinking.
We know of that fella. He's what you term a bit of a free spirit, very much with his own set of values and beliefs. He is actually aware of who he is and where he is in this world.
Inside, he is a confident man, comfortable with his self. But we all know that there are two personalities, the outer public one, and the inner self. With Ryan, the inner self in in a happy space.
It's Ryan's outward side that often appears to be lacking certain finesses. But he's strong inside himself and although others might feel they know his faults, he is more aware of them than anyone else. But although he's aware of such matters, he's not torn apart by them. He yearns stability and doesn't take to changes as quickly as others.
I am reluctant to be too intimate with his personal details too much, for he is not present and it would be beyond my belief to go too deeply into such matters. All I will share are aspects of him that he would be comfortable hearing.
When it comes to love, and his relationship with it, he does struggle at times. He emits this sense of bravado, you might call it, where he appears super confident. But that is hiding his inner feelings where he is more sentimental, caring and wanting to show a love he can't always project.
This is linked with his often frustrating ability to not be able make quick decisions when they are needed. He prefers to brood on things, like an old hen and wait. He has made so many rash decisions in his past that he's learnt from those mistakes.
Ryan is an artistic person. Not in the drawing sense of the meaning, but in the way he likes order, symmetry and tidiness in his matters. I call this artistic because he solves his own problems and always finds the right solutions for himself eventually.
If he were given a bag of nails and a saw and wood, he would create quite a masterpiece. Like so many men though, he doesn't pay enough attention to his own health. He's got nothing serious to worry about at this time, but should something arise, he would rely on those close to him to force the action required.
Ryan's mother, and this medium's friend, Amanda, does like to mother him a lot. Her love for Ryan is powerful and often appears over protective. I might advise that she has more trust and faith in him. He is more in control of his life than she might believe.
Now, what's on the horizon for Ryan? Ryan will be married within the next few years and may be talking of moving across the country. He will be faced with opportunities that will be too much for him to turn away from.
By the way, his wife is already in his phone contacts, I've been made aware of.
Ryan is aware of spirit and often correctly believes a friend he lost to this side is with him. He is. He would understand the name of Tom around him.
Amanda, you have a fine young man in Ryan. He is a remarkable person and will always stand by you, through thick and thin. Look into his eyes and see how deep is soul is. If all your men were like Ryan, the world would be a better place.
My medium today did well in allowing me to merge my words with his natural tendency to use his mediumship.
Amanda has a strong team of guides this side working with her. Recognise them more and harness the power they offer.
I must leave now. Thank you for allowing me these words. Goodbye.
written on 29th July 2023
314 days after the session was transcribed
I would be less likely to repeat this experiment nowadays. I’ve since come to understand the differences this type of challenge has on my energy. Although it could be argued that inspired writing is mediumship, the moment an expectation is allowed to enter the mind, the energy changes, thereafter affecting the pureness of the connection.

AMANDA’S FEEDBACK: “Wow!!! That was so interesting! Yes I can be over protective. I was at this time. The description of Ryan is correct. Even though I get concerned at times. I know he has a great spirit team. He is a very wonderful man. He has an unusual colour in his eyes that makes you look deep into them. Of course, that’s where I see the soul. He has a couple of friends in spirit but no one he remembers as Tom – so far. He just moved in with a girl.”
The feedback received from Amanda omitted many expected details regarding the accuracy of the speaker’s words. As a medium, it would, therefore, be natural to conclude that the information was not accurate.
If there’s a lesson to be learnt by the recipient, it would be to understand how important it is to give detailed feedback to the medium. If the medium cannot accept things being wrong, the medium is not in a state of growing.
"Ryan is an artistic person. Not in the drawing sense of the meaning, but in the way he likes order, symmetry and tidiness in his matters. I call this artistic because he solves his own problems and always finds the right solutions for himself eventually."