- The Lanzarote Sessions
This is the tenth of the seventh series of Lanzarote Sessions, transcribed during a break to the Canary Islands in September 2024. During our frequent visits, I sit in the power of spirit at least once every day and allow the spirit connect to share a message with me.
|| This summary written on 16th January 2025
Sadly, I often hear people say that spiritualists aren’t always very spiritual. Annoyingly, they are correct.
Spiritualists follow a cause that believes there is a continuing life after this one on earth. Some go on to train as healers and mediums, while others maintain their beliefs without a desire to pursue either. Those who choose active roles usually attend training courses, watch others demonstrate their abilities, and practice their own. They may join a circle and meet regularly to learn mediumship and healing.
Those tutors in the courses, workshops, and circles are ordinary people living ordinary lives while helping others advance their abilities. This has nothing to do with leading a spiritual lifestyle. It should be said that a few old-school medium tutors and healers teach their students about living a spiritual life, but it’s rarely given much importance. Why? Living a spiritual life is a decision that individuals make for themselves.
Some respected tutors will educate their students about the advantages of living more spiritually. But the onus remains with the student to do so for themself. Few do. Their ordinary life is preoccupied with all the chores and responsibilities of running a home, raising a family, socialising with family and friends, and maintaining a smooth path through life. Becoming more spiritual takes work. Adjustments need to be made with habits, and a desire to improve oneself within.
The truth is, it takes minimal effort to start living more spiritually. A few changes here and there can make all the difference. In this session, the speaker talks of one aspect of becoming spiritual that we can all acknowledge, adapt, and improve our lifestyle with. But as suggested above, it takes a deliberate effort, and only a few will try.
I try hard to be a good person, and I fail often. I make mistakes, say the wrong things, and act far from spiritual. But I am aware of those mistakes, accept them, work to change them, and in doing so, improve who I am becoming. I will never be a perfect person, but I do like trying. I see myself as more spiritual than some and less spiritual than others.
transcribed on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 3:50 pm
Good day to you. It’s exciting for me to be able to communicate with you using this medium. I’ve been told to pay attention to what you write to make sure you’re staying in line! I feel bossy!
I want to talk to you about one of the greatest gifts that, not only a medium should possess, but everyone alive. It is the gift of humbleness. Not to be confused with meekness or suppression of personality.
When you have a moment, take time to search the meaning of the word itself. You’ll find many interpretations, so focus on those relative to human use.
Have you noticed how others are drawn to the presence of a naturally humble person. Note that word, naturally. You see, some people try to be humble to suit an occasion. Their false humbleness is often detectable when their interest in you fades, or it no longer suits them.
Naturally humble people attract others through their warmth and desire to acknowledge you. Being a humble person is more than dressing for social occasions though. Being humble comes from practising a humble life.
[Its not … ]Thank you – listen.
Truly humble people desire nothing other than to be thankful for the blessings they’ve been given. It’s not about inventory of assets accrued either. There is nothing wrong in making a success in life, so long as you’ve served to help others in the process.
Jesus was the epitome of a humble being. His short life was all about helping others achieve their desires. He would have given his last crumb of bread to a starving person, and gone without himself. His reward was knowing he had done the right thing, and remained humble to God.
I hope that you, and others who might read my words, take time to examine their life and question themselves, “Am I an humble person, deep in my soul?”
I am hoping you consider my words and perhaps research a little about humbleness. It’s not something you can’t introduce into your life. Like any habit, it’s a matter of practising it. Being humble during your life in many aspects of daily life will serve you well, and feed your soul’s desire for betterment.
Have a lovely day. There is so much for you to be blessed about.
written at the time of this presentation
- My experience of life suggests that although there are as many good people as bad, fewer remain humble. The tell-tale sign is usually the person’s ego and the amount it is in control. Social media reflects so many inflated egos amongst people who might believe they are humble.
- When I researched the word humble, as the speaker suggested I should, I found several other words associated with it, one being humility. I also found this phrase that I thought was perfect to include here:
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.“ - Detached phrases. That is what I look for when I read these messages back. They are things that the speaker shares with me that I know I could not have thought of myself. There are many such examples in this message that I know were beyond my daily mind.
“Truly humble people desire nothing other than to be thankful for the blessings they’ve been given.“