|| This summary written on Monday 14th October 2024

As a medium, I’ve always found the use of the word ‘journey’ regarding this way of life as overly used, to the point it’s now an annoying cliche.

I’ve tried hard to substitute the word with ‘path’ instead, even though both words effectively mean the same in this context. The main thing we must all realise, however, is that each of our journeys or paths are completely, and without exception, unique to us. No other person has ever, nor will ever, walk our path through life in the same detail as we will. We may follow someone, even join them on their path, but that is only a temporary uniting period and most certainly will not be forever.

When someone suggests they are on the same path of mediumship as me, I almost feel obliged to disappoint them by explaining they are not. My path started when I was born, as does everyone else’s. Circumstances unique to my childhood have shaped my path. My careers, friends, relationships, education, health, and prosperity are unique ingredients, as are yours and everyone’s. My journey in mediumship, my learning, my abilities, my goals and desires, my approach and my beliefs are unique to me. Again, as are everyone’s.

The only common factor with other mediums and people involved in this work is in our desires. Generally, mediums want to achieve the same, though each of us choose our own ways of achieving it. Some might choose a public environment to work. Others, like me, choose to concentrate on our unfoldment alone. There is no right or wrong way to create a path, only that your path, as is mine, is unique in every detail.

When I listen to the words and messages from the people of the spirit world, I do so influenced by my path, and they know that. This doesn’t mean that what I learn, or what I’m told isn’t going to be useful to someone else. Quite the contrary. The information is like the ingredients of a fancy cake. Others can take all or part of the ingredients to add to their own mix for their own journey or path. This is what makes each of our lives studying and involvement with the people of spirit so unique and so rich and delightful.

Perhaps this preamble will help someone reading this to understand, that we are all on unique paths through life, and if you think you’re following me, you’re not! I know I’ve said nothing about this session’s content because, in the same vein, it stands for itself and whether you accept it or not, is up to you and your path of life with spirituality.

  • This is why we cannot be compared with others to any degree of accuracy. I may be a great medium, a good medium, or a not-so-good medium. One thing is certain: I am unique.


Session transcribed on Tuesday 21st May 2024 at 01:30 am

Good evening my friend. You join again for some more learning. I wonder if I may be so bold as to ask you what it is you wish to learn.

I know that you sit with an open mind and a willingness to discover and explore what you can, about me and my world. But consider this for a moment. If you were an alien of your planet and you were beamed down to the surface for the first time ever, what would you see when you open your eyes to this new world?

Would what you see give you the whole picture of the planet? Would that scenery, that weather, that temperature you experience on that new planet reveal enough to leave you with an understanding of what that world is like?

Surely not. Your impression would be limited only to that one small view in that one location. Therefore you could not conclude that you understand the planet earth, could you?

This is also true of my world I live in now. I have not seen everything there is to see. I have not smelt all the flowers and fauna there are to smell. I have not felt all sensations and variations within my world. I have not viewed all the palaces, the mansions and the great homes. Nor will I ever, in this life or any that follow it.

My knowledge, like yours, is limited by my present situation, as is yours. You may know that island of Lanzarote well enough to talk freely for a long time about it. But does that describe the world to others? No it does not.

I might spend many of your hours, days, weeks and months talking to you about my world where I am now. But all that will serve to do is give you a narrow viewpoint about my world.

Surely you must, therefore, conclude with me that you will never, ever fully be able to appreciate the vastness of my world or the world you will one day inherit as yours.

Many questions that you ask about the world after yours cannot be answered with a satisfactory fullness that it deserves. This world contains many visions, great kingdoms, societies, ways of living on, ways of growing and ways of learning. This world is richer than the finest writer could ever describe with any elequence of language.

The most fundamental of all questions that a human might ask is "what is it like living in the spirit world?" The question cannot therefore be answered with any depth of completeness. Life here is like life there. An existence within a complex world of variety, form and dimensions.

I tell you this so you may appreciate that the mystery you believe exists about the world I live in does not exist. The mystery lies only in your acceptance.

I hope my words, this time, have helped you understand how similar our two worlds really are and how the continuation from one to the other happens.

Thank you for writing my words. so accurately.
Good night to you all.


Monday 14th October 2024
145 days after the session was transcribed

I found this speaker’s explanation to be quite articulate. The explanation offered is wonderfully easy to grasp and should allay other’s similar queries on the subject matter.

🔷 I think that this speaker is indirectly suggesting that our focus should not be on the mechanics of how their world exists, but instead on how we can enrich our lives through the knowing.

🔷 The example I’ve always used in teaching is to invite students to hold their two hands out in front of them and form a square with their fingers, to represent a view. Then ask them to describe the view they see to the other students. No two views are ever the same.

🔷 As I’ve grown older and somewhat wiser, I’ve become more proud of my path through mediumship, and appreciate it’s uniqueness through struggle, pain, delight and love for it.

"The mystery lies only in your acceptance."

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"I like life. It's something to do!"

Ronnie Shakes


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.