|| This summary written on Thursday 10th October 2024

Conflict and anger are emotional states that one would rarely see in spiritual people. It’s not that these states don’t exist, but more because mediums and healers make effort to avoid such situations.

Don’t get me wrong, though. In normal life, everyone gets angry, annoyed, upset, frustrated, and so on.  These forms of expression are part of who we are. Humans have evolved to adapt and use many emotional states, some positive and some negative.  The challenge we face is controlling the negative emotions in favour of the positive ones. But that is easier said than done!

At a restaurant in Lanzarote recently, I displayed a negative emotion to a waiter when I told him not to try and bull-poo me. We’d been sat at the table for 30 minutes when I ask a passing waiter how much longer we would have to wait for our food. His reply annoyed me and without controlling myself, I flipped – the red mist hit suddenly. His explanation for the delay, after he went and checked was because we’d ordered Paella and it takes 45 minutes to prepare. By the way, that is nonsense. We’ve had that meal many times over the years and it is actually one of the fastest meals to be served. So I raised my voice a little, interrupted him from his waffle and told him he was talking bull-poo and that if we weren’t served the meal within 10 minutes we’d be paying for our drinks and going elsewhere to eat. Needless to say, the meal arrived ten minutes later.

Jane and I were both upset. This had never happened to us and was completely out of character for any of the many restaurants in the town. But I was more annoyed with myself than the long delay in the meal. I had let the situation rattle me, and seeing how upset Jane was with the long wait, I let the guns go! That’s not a normal occurrence with me. I naturally work at being polite, courteous, calm and aware of my presence. But there are occasions where I’m human!

Today’s speaker suggests that these kinds of negative situations don’t exist very often in their world and remarks how much different our world would be if we avoided the negative energies that destroy all the good and love in moments. None of us are perfect, but we can at least try.

  • I’ve never met a medium that sought conflict. It’s not that the occasions don’t occur, but that mediums tend to be ultra-sensitive and hate bad words of anger.


Session transcribed on Monday 20th May 2024 at 01:40 am

Thank you for hearing my call to talk to you this day. I wonder if I might share a brief insight into one of the key differences between our two worlds.

You often hear us talk about our world being one of love and light. The light referring to that of the Divine forces of the universe that we all are governed by. But what of the love?

Your world does have love in it. It exists everywhere in doses that are like pockets of energy. These are usually surrounding a person in particular, or a specific organisation. The density of that love varies. In some situations, the love energy is dense, where in others it is thin, like a weak fog. Everything living contains this love energy to some greater or lesser extent.

In our world, that love energy is always more dense and throughout our realm. The pockets exist, but even the less dense pockets are greater than any pockets on earth.

We live for love. We distribute love, we share love and we are love. Love is our way of life and the fuel that feeds our souls. Does this mean our lives aren't normal? Of course not. Our lives are perfectly normal. Everything we experience is as normal to us as anything ever was.

Let me try and define how our lives here differ from yours, by asking you to use your imagination for a moment or two. How much love do you believe you live by every day you breathe air on earth? To answer that question, you would need to be honest with yourself and view your life from the opposite view. How many times in a day do you experience anger in some varying extent? There is the first dilution of your love energy.

How many times in a day do you experience annoyance, upset, jealousy, disappointment, envy or any such emotions? Even for just a few moments, these emotions are diluting your love energy.

How many times every day does your ego reveal itself in a self-praising situation? Bragging and boasting, showing off and other similar tendencies? These actions are diluting your love energy. You can now appreciate that your love energy may not be as complete as you thought.

In my world we have adapted to the way of love. It is our very nature. It shapes us, redirects us, re-teaches us, and assists our growth as souls in a progressive state of being.

Imagine your world if that were the way of life? Imagine how your life would appear blissful, content, filled with joy and happiness, and with purpose. The consequences would be fewer diseases, no famine, an end to homelessness, peace throughout the nations and stability for all. The climate would be repaired and the planet would become a paradise where everyone cared about everyone else. Where people would be treated as equals and where bad simply could not survive.

Can you even imagine that kind of world? Welcome to the world of spirit, as you refer to us. We're not perfect people by any means. But we are at peace with who we are and where we are going. We are in harmony with our purpose. We live with love as the basis for our existence.

Perhaps you believe that this way of life could not exist on earth in your physical form. You may be right. But you could try harder to make it happen. To do so, all you have to do is recognise the emotions that counter a love environment. Don't feed the things that damage your love energy. Restrain by practice and recognition. The steps to living for and with love are easy. But they will take a constant effort.

Learn to understand that love is everything you need. It is the way and the direction forward. Here's one of my favourite phrases you might like to share with the readers.

" I Love love, I am love"

I hope you've enjoyed my words and I send you all the love you could ever wish for.

Have a loving day.

Goodbye dear friend.


Thursday 10th October 2024
142 days after the session was transcribed

What a wonderful existence this speaker describes when suggesting their new life is about love. A world with like-minded people and the omission of negative emotional states. Hard to comprehend, easy to desire.

🔷 It’s all too easy in our day-to-day lives to forget that our emotional states takes a toll on more than our body, but effect our spirit and soul as well. Everyone knows positivity leads to a healthy state of being.

🔷 This speaker paints a wonderful picture of our world if there was only love and no conflict. I’d live there, if I were allowed!

🔷 The grammar of this speaker suggests English wasn’t their first tongue on earth. That said, I may have interpreted the sentences differently.

[With Love only] "Imagine how your life would appear blissful, content, filled with joy and happiness, and with purpose "

One Response

  1. Thank you Trevor and your Spirit contact. This was a wonderful explanation of the difference between living back home in Spirit and The Earth. So many emotions/thoughts and actions that can be not loving. I don’t know if ever there will be A Constant State Of Love By Every Living Soul Here! It is a nice thought 💭 that maybe one day it could, but sadly not in my lifetime. Very thought provoking. Thank you both once again. xx

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"I know now that it can take at least twelve hours for the energy to be absorbed by the patient’s body and used for whatever purpose it is needed; that was why my friend’s back wasn’t cured immediately."

Mind To Mind by Betty Shine


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.