|| This summary written on Saturday 5th October 2024

One of the sets of exercises I used to love doing was that of heightening the senses. Our tutor told us how beneficial it would be have sharpened senses for this work with the spirit world.

Over the years since I’ve taught my students to do the same exercises. And I do enjoy doing them with myself every so often. It’s a set of simple exercises that don’t always yield immediate results, and any differences may be very slight. Yet, over time and with consistent effort, pays dividends in the results. It’s akin to a craftsman sharpening his blades before working.

Our senses become less efficient as we age. We learn to use only the part that is essential for our lives. Hearing is one example. Jane knows I’ve become a little deaf at times. Yet I can still hear sounds at a distance that baffles her how.  Truth is, we listen but only to what we want to hear. We see only what we need to see. We feel and sense only those things we want to sense. The same is true of our taste and smell.

We forget that these five senses are our tools. It makes sense to keep them honed. Today’s speaker talks about what their senses are like in their world and makes a couple of startling claims that are quite exciting. 

  • We only have to look to the animal kingdom for evidence of how much greater our senses could be, if we put the effort it. 


Session transcribed on Sunday 19th May 2024 at 4:40 pm

There is something marvellous about using the senses to receive information about the environment. The wonder of being able to smell the scents from the flowers, from grass, from farms, and even the ozone from the sea.

To be able to feel the heat of the sun on your arms and back, or the chill of a wind through a window. All of these wonderful sense-felt experiences that make our lives that bit richer.

Now. There was a clue in that last sentence. Yes we have senses as well. It has been said that ours are more enhanced, stronger and with greater clarity. An example of that would be with colour. I can sense the colour of anything, merely by being near it. Colours have their own energies. On your planet, these energies can be detected between the various colours, though this is a hard skill to master.

One of the previous speakers might have already mentioned that our ability to smell is greater too. And we have some control over the distance we can allow our smell receptors to reach. I could smell the fresh cut hay in a field some distance away just by reaching for it in my mind.

I was going to suggest that we're not super-human, but I believe in many ways we are. When it comes to us using the senses on your life plane, there are some restrictions.

Your vibration and energy fields are different to ours and therefore our experiences on your planet, in the same state of vibration as yours, are limited, in the same way that you wouldn't find it easy to use your earth senses in our vibration, without dramatic changes first.

Taste is another sense that I believe we appreciate more than you do. Our ability to use taste reaches far beyond your limited ability on earth. When we use taste to gather information, we receive much more detail than humans do.

As is the same with touch. Our touch is heightened, when compared with yours. Your torch sensations are very limited to the local area of the sensation, whereas ours extends further into the nearby environment. When I touch a daisy, for example, I can feel its connection to the earth below it.

People on earth allow their senses to numb after time, whereas here, we keep our senses at peak condition.

So now you know. Being in this state of life is exciting and enhanced. I hope you've found my talk with your interesting.

Thank you for writing my every word. Goodbye.


Saturday 5th October 2024
139 days after the session was transcribed

I can confidently say that if it were to be measurable, fewer than 5 mediums in every 100 would bother taking time to work on their sensitivity, dismissing it as not necessary. So I was excited when this speaker chose to talk about the senses they have in their world.


🔷 Right up my alley, as the saying goes. I’m always keen to learn more about our senses, whether here in this life, or in the next. The physical things, such as ears and eyes seem not to be essential ingredients.

🔷 Nothing this speaker suggests seems hard to comprehend. If dogs on earth can hear sounds so quiet that we can’t, or whales can detect blood in water from a distance of a mile and more, why shouldn’t spirit people’s be more heightened?

🔷 Interesting references to smelling cut hay at farms. Why not, I suppose. If everything is a thought, why not create farms? I’ll probably have some naturist centres in my new world!

"I was going to suggest that we're not super-human, but I believe in many ways we are. "

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

You don't get anything clean without getting something else dirty.

Cecil Baxter


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.