Was This A Wakeup Call?

|| this summary was written on Tuesday 23rd January 2024

When I was at school, many decades ago, I was used to getting into trouble with the teacher. My concentration levels were poor, and my mind was always filled with other stuff. Thinking back, I wonder how much I’ve retained of that stuff we were taught. I mean, Logarithms, I’ve never needed them in life, so it’s just as well I don’t remember anything about them!

My ability to retain information has always been rather poor, and it’s got worse as I’ve grown older. It would appear that unless the topic interests me, my brain just lets stuff pass through it. It’s a bad habit I’ve always had to live with. My ability to maintain concentration is limited.

The spirit world know this though. The length of every WFSIW session is based on my ability to maintain the focus required. Often the speaker will tell you that I’m losing it, and will abruptly close the session.

The spirit helpers appear to combat this situation by repeating things to me. Not necessarily in the same session, but in future sessions with them. Today’s session, for example, I have a feeling that these words, this message, has been shared with me before.

When you read this session, imagine that I am a pupil sat in the spirit lessons classroom. The speaker is talking to me about what I am always doing in my mind before I enter the classroom, and tells me how I always want to control the narrative. Imagine me, sat in the proverbial classroom, half listening and probably not taking anything in. Truth is, that is how these sessions are for me. When I close the notebook, it’s akin to me walking out of the classroom.

The speaker in this session decides to throw a curve ball at the last minute and suggests something that grabs my attention. The result was that when I did close the session, I was thinking WTF was that about? I’m left in disbelief of what they share with me. Surely that cannot be so?

Was this just a way for the speaker to get my attention? Was the statement the speaker said true? Or was it just a throwaway remark to stir my resting brain cells? All I can say is, if the speaker’s statement is true, even remotely, it throws a whole new light on my understanding of life after this one. The intelligent side of me doesn’t believe it to be true. But what if it is?

  • It is entirely possible that my own mind wanted to make a statement that would change the dynamics of the session. I would suggest that when you read the outlandish statement, do so with a pinch of salt.


about the writing


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

This edition was transcribed whilst visiting Lanzarote in December 2023.

This is the fourth series of WFSIW from that location.


Session transcribed on Tuesday 12th December 2023 at 2:15 pm

You often sit in the power waiting for some inspiring thoughts about what it is you should write. I’d have thought by now you would have learnt that whatever you think about is never going to be the subject we choose. This desire of yours does reflect your doubt in us and our abilities to bring you words of our own. When you next sit, try and just focus your mind on stilling itself and leave the rest to us.

This problem is not just one you display, but all mediums also. Mediums have this wasted desire to want to interpret everything into their own words. I am fully aware that to a little extent they will need to do that. But if they were all to focus more on the connection, rather than the composure of the message, the spirit connect would naturally work more clear anyway.

This habit is one of misfocus - not working in the right area of their connection. You see how all these words you are writing are from me and not from your own mind.

Yes it does frustrate us at times. But it shows where the person needs to be educating their self. Usually we are able to direct the appropriate learning in their direction.

We’ve often told you and your readers that mediumship in itself is a simple practice. The complications and the difficulties come with getting the medium to stop over-complicating the process. Of course, there are other elements that have to be in alignment for a good connection on both sides of the communication. But many of these would naturally fall into place, if the mediums, and the spirit connect for that matter, were to keep their focus on strengthening the connection.

I have a question for you right now. How do you know these words are from me in my realm? You’ve come to trust, correct? You do so without question. You follow your connection ritual and you don’t question. Right? Yet you still worry that the message may not come through!

I was never a medium on earth. I would have found it too difficult to free my mind and give away control of it. But when I came here, I wanted to learn more about it, because here I obviously know that life continues.

On earth, teachers would have been wasting their time with trying to get me to learn the process. You see how I just let you know I was a lady, while you were writing my words. You’re getting better by the day.

Recently you’ve showed great advancement in understanding many of the more challenging details of life this side. Good for you. There is so much more knowledge you will gain doing this work.

You still retain a little too much curiosity about who you are listening to. You still insist on seeing us in your mind’s eye as people. We are not. We present ourselves as that form when needed to, but we are now a somewhat different life form. Yes, you’re thinking I’ve taken the lid off another can of worms! Just accept what I tell you for now, and don’t worry about the details.

Now, let what I’ve shared with you today be a lesson you will take heed of. Go do something else and when you read my words in the future, you will understand them more.



Written on Tuesday 23rd January - 41 days after session was transcribed

I’ve awarded this a decent level of spirit-inspiration. Not because of the closing statement, that I cannot believe, but because the general message does highlight an area where I need to improve my work with the spirit world.

🔷 The main message I get from this session is about my approach to sitting with the pen. Even after all this time of doing it, I often do sit and worry about what it is I should be writing about. Whenever I think I’ve got a topic, the speaker takes over and changes it to what they want to talk about. There is the lesson for me.

🔷 I do believe that all mediums want to control the narrative when they work to some extent. This is natural. It is their vocabulary, their known words, and their phrasing that’s used to present their communication.

🔷 The elephant in the room – really? This speaker claims that we should not be considering them as people in their new life form? I can appreciate some elements of that statement might be true, after all, they don’t have a physical body any more. Perhaps this is an area that would benefit from more research. For now though, I don’t believe the speaker!

“You still insist on seeing us in your mind’s eye as people. We are not. We present ourselves as that form when needed to, but we are now a somewhat different life form. .”

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

Akashic Records: " The idea was popularised by the American medium/psychic/clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). He was a Christian Sunday school teacher who would enter a trance state and answer questions about reincarnation, the afterlife, health, and much else. Cayce would also make predictions about the ‘future’ and was known as ‘The Sleeping Prophet’. This is how he described the Akashic Records: Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgement drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s Book of Remembrance; and each entity, each Soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self …"

The Dream - David Icke


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.