Divine Presence


The First Session Of 2024

|| This summary written on Monday 1st April 2024

I was in two minds about whether today’s session should be part of WFSIW’s regular schedule. It’s rather personal. But after some thought, I came to the conclusion that my choice’s sentiments might benefit others.

This is the first WFSIW that was transcribed this year. I hadn’t sat for writing since coming back from Lanzarote in December, so a few weeks had passed between. Jane often suggests I’m a little OTT with my schedules, placing too much importance on getting things done on time when other things should take a higher priority. Well, in the year I’m reaching retirement age, I am making a concerted effort to change.

The good news for WFSIW followers is that I have quite a decent store of examples to rely on. As I write this, there are enough sessions completed to last for about 3 months at the current rate of one per week.

I expect to increase the amount of content I publish once the new website is near completion. In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy the WFSIW sessions.

  • The following session might inspire you to do such an exercise. If you do, you’ll be surprised at how therapeutic and mindful it is.


Session transcribed on Friday 12th January 2024 at 02:38 am


Divine, friends and those working with me from your side of life. It is all of you I'd like to address this time please.

This is my first time with the pen and notebook in this new year. Routines have been rather packed so far, and I've not devoted enough time to our communications. I'm sure you understand that it's not for a want to. I just have let it slip while I focus on all the other work I have.

Throughout last year, I have been honoured to have transcribed many wonderful from so many of you. Those that have read your words have offered many comments, mainly of gratitude. Thank you.

I would like to thank the person that spoke to me yesterday, as I lay waiting to fall asleep. You asked me to write the message in my own words when I were to waken. But I'm sorry, I didn't remember until earlier this evening. I had sadly forgot what the message was, even though I recall it being a very good one. Would that speaker consider rejoining me again soon and sharing the message again through my pen?

I am aware that you told me that writing it at that time was not important, and you invited me to write it in my own words. You did say that this would be a good exercise., but as I said, I've no recollection as to what the message was. I think it's a sign of my age! I forget so much easily these days. Forgive me.

In a few weeks, we are going back to Lanzarote again for a couple of weeks. As you will know, there I will sit for your speakers every day. I ask if you would continue sharing the messages with me throughout this year, every time I sit for you. There are a small number of readers, but they appear to find the messages of value, as do I.

May I conclude this writing session with a request to the Divine. Our world is on the brink of major turmoil, with wars and fighting persisting in many countries. Divine, would you continue to keep me, my family and friends, safe and in good health? Would you also look over the areas of conflict and protect as many people as you can from these destructive outcomes.

Hundreds of people are losing their lives unneccessarily. If you can't intervene, as I know you wont, please use the healing energy, that gives us life, to protect and heal those that need it.

Divine, I remain humble to you and blessed with the life you have given me.

Thank you, and all those working with me from your mansion.



written on Monday 1st April 2024
79 days after the session was transcribed

There is no need for a graphic to suggest the level of spirit-inspiration for this example. It was very late in the day (or early in the morning!), and although I had planned to sit with the pen, it was a last-minute decision to talk to the other side rather than the other way around.

🔷 Many people struggle with the concept of praying, believing that they can’t string the words together. This session is fundamentally a prayer.

🔷 I know, without question, that I’ve learned so much from and about the spirit world since spending more time with this form of communication. It also brings me pleasure and satisfaction to the point where I look forward to opening the notebook.

🔷 I did feel guilty about the message I received, slept on and forgot. More annoying is that I have a notebook on the bedside cabinet that I could have made notes in. Instead, I relied on my memory, which is less reliable today!

Omitted as not applicable

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"A moment of tranquility is a positive moment."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.