Life Balance


Hearing Is Not Always Immediate

|| This summary was written on Sunday 24th March 2024

The session you’ll read below was transcribed from a spirit connection at the end of December last year, 84 days ago as I write this preamble. Although my health and life balance has been an issue for some years, it wasn’t something that was at the forefront of my daily focus.

The session was written at home, shortly after returning from a break in Lanzarote. At the beginning of this year, 2024, the main goal I’d set for the new year was to cut back on my online work and create a new website to archive everything I’d already created. Nothing more than that. My health was not something I’d given thought to.

In February this year, I was asked to book an appointment with the diabetic nurse at our local surgery. It was for the annual check-up, which by the way, used to be every six months before the issues with the NHS.

I attended the appointment with a degree of confidence that I was on top of my diabetes. I was to be told by the witch, sorry nurse, that my diabetes was far too high and that I was borderline going into a situation where I would have to move to insulin injections, something I had avoided for all of my time with this illness.

In not too fine words, I was warned by the nurse that I had to make immediate and radical changes to my lifestyle to stop the inevitable next stage injections. Shocked at what I’d been told, I walked home upset and knowing I now had to do something about this. I needed to take back control of this diabetes and bring changes to my lifestyle.

To avoid the risk of boring you, I’ll just say now that I did make radical changes and as I write this, I have been sent a new appointment date for the main clinic in Wigan. I’m not stupid, I know why I have to go there instead of the usual local surgery. They believe they will need to switch me to insulin injections. But that will be based on the results of the blood test I have to complete one week before the appointment.

At this moment I’m fairly confident I’ve done the right things to change the outcome. The reason for sharing this with you is to paint a picture of where I was with my health before you read the following session.

I’ve titled this opening text “Hearing Is Not Always Immediate“ because that is the point I’m making. Sometimes we are something and although the sound made from the words enters our ears, the message is not heard, often until much later. Read the session below and you’ll agree. I rest my case!

  • I wonder how many of us would be open enough to agree that many things we hear don’t make sense at that time, but do when recalled in the future.


Session transcribed on Saturday 30th December 2023 at 02:52 pm

Hello. Your mind is believing I am going to talk to you about your lapse in discipline to this writing process. Sorry to disappoint you. I'll leave that to your own conscience to deal with.

You've learned how to connect to this side much easier over the past few months. Notice how quickly you were able to hear my voice and get down to the writing of my words. So the fact you've not written for us for a little over a week is really nothing to worry about. We always promote living in the state you are in, on earth, above everything else. You'll have plenty of time to talk to us here some day in the future!

You have always had difficulty understanding and practicing good balance in your life. You have been better in recent times, but it still needs working more on. Balancing is a very appropriate word, when you give it a thought.

Eating the good foods in the correct balances, against eating the not-so-good foods that tempt you. Exercise is something that needs balance. You would benefit from getting some more, to be blunt with you. Sleeping is another area you might benefit from understanding more. Your current routines aren't in alignment with a balanced life.

The amount of time you devote to your work is also out of alignment somewhat. Perhaps this new year would be a good opportunity to adjust some of these areas and make improvements.

You would certainly benefit from any improvements you could make. You've heard of the phrase that suggests variety is the spice of life. How true is that? Balance is the key. More activities of benefit to your well-being and fewer that don't support a healthy lifestyle.

But I won't lecture about these things. I know your higher self is aware of what you need to do. The issue that you and every person like you has is realising that your life on earth is not eternal. I would never expect anyone to live entirely with the worry that they might leave earth today or tomorrow. That would not make for a pleasant life. Instead, it might leave you worried. But the sentiments are true though. Life on earth is not infinite. Time passes quicker than one might want to realise.

Getting the balances right in the many aspects of your earth life is truly beneficial and will mean one day you won't be living with the regrets of underachieving.

You have a special relationship with your own spirit and those working with you on this side. We're not going anywhere. We'll always be here. So take time to get the balances correct and work with us when you need to.

I will leave you with my love and happiness for you and all you do. There is so much ahead for you, and you are preparing for it very well.

Our words and messages are being heard through yourself, and many other mediums working for the cause on your great planet. Rest up. We'll be here when you return again soon.



written on Sunday 24th March 2024
84 days after the session was transcribed

My opening words to this session say it all! Was the message from my own higher spirit, or someone in the spirit world? On this occasion, it doesn’t matter. The message was what was important and believe me, I wasn’t in a place where I would have heard it back then. Now – a very important message.


🔷  Yes, I was expecting to be ticked off for not sitting for spirit-inspired writing for over a week. That was the main concern that I believed the spirit connect would have a pop about!

🔷  Balance in life is harder to achieve consistently than most would realise. We are all guilty of obsessing over something every so often. With me, it is my online work that takes too much of my available time.

🔷 Ironic, when you think about it. I’ve not thought I have a problem with sleeping. I nap when I want to and go to sleep at night when it feels right. The time stamp on the session suggests that perhaps there is room for improvement!

“Getting the balances right in the many aspects of your earth life is truly beneficial and will mean one day you won't be living with the regrets of underachieving.”

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"EIGENGRAU: the colour seen by the eyes in perfect darkness."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.