15 Thoughts For Now!
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Trevor discusses his views on the 'reset' that might be happening across the UK and why it affects us all...
Read MoreA personal story about an incident that, although trivial in hindsight appeared to change everything in a single moment of...
Read MoreWe talk to you a lot about the concepts of time because we know that it’s something that fascinates you....
Read MoreThe original collection of recordings that Andrej Djordjevitch made with Spirited Talk, including his amazing podclass...
Read MoreOriginally published in 2023, this story is a wonderful reminder of how the spirit communicators are always working with us.
Read MoreThe fourth edition of this series of curious questions Insightful Answers, takes a look at those often-asked questions we all...
Read MoreThis video project failed to pick up enough interest to justify continuing the series, which led to the project being...
Read MoreA follow-up article about The Barnum Effect, including reader feedback. Do mediums unintentionally use this known psychology during readings? ...
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"Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans."
John Lenon
The opinions expressed within the content of this website are those of the author and may differ from other mediums & tutors & sources
Spirited Talk is based in Greater Manchester, UK
General Email : psychictrev@gmail.com
Media & Press : spiritedtalkpodcast@gmail.com