Akashic Records: ” The idea was popularised by the American medium/psychic/clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). He was a Christian Sunday school teacher who would enter a trance state and answer questions about reincarnation, the afterlife, health, and much else. Cayce would also make predictions about the ‘future’ and was known as ‘The Sleeping Prophet’. This is how he described the Akashic Records: Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgement drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s Book of Remembrance; and each entity, each Soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self …”

The Dream – David Icke